Let us Train

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I do not own Naruto, or any of the characters from the series Naruto.

Some of the ideas come from the Movie called Spirited Away. There are some Refrences to that movie, and Spirits that are explained here are from that movie. It would help if you watched that amazing movie, if you already hadn't. (Which I doubt, because damn, that movie is the best.) Also, I'm entering this book in the Nartuo Watty Awards. So yeah. ouo ENJOY~? 

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Leaning against a tree I waited for the rest of my teammates. Since I do not own a watch or clock, I do not know what time it is. So I had to arrive early. And of course I ate for the test.

I have no choice but to eat. If I don't, my physical body may disappear and I would have to start all over again. But I don't know how early I had arrived. Perhaps it is 3 or 4 am? I do not know. All I must do is wait.

In the silence Kikoenai called to me softly.

Hey, Zen-sama?

I hummed a response in question.

Why did you choose to be a human? You had so many other choices. You are powerful. You could have chosen to be a deer or elk. Something more connected and more powerful to the spiritual side. So why a Human? They've done nothing but destruction.

"I met a human once, as I traveled along searching for information." I started, and watched Kiko as she hopped onto the palm of my hands. "This human did not converse much. It wanted to find peace, to make everyone in one unison of happy. However that cannot be done for humans. Humans are a savage race. They fight for power and land, they feel the need to dominate and have the last word. They cannot find peace in what they have now, and are afraid of change at the same time. Their existence is a contradiction. But I wanted to understand them. To see their way of thinking. To use my invisibleness to my advantage and search."

Search? For what?

Kikoenai's soft voice echoed in confusion.

"To search for Arcadia."

No Human, let alone a Half Spirit Human will be able to find Arcadia.

"I might as well try. How do you know if we never tried?" I asked with a small smile.

You're a loon. Kiko deadpanned leaving me smiling a bit with a nod.

As the silence continued I closed my eyes and put myself in a meditating position. Fists together and head looking straight. I took in a few deep breaths and thought of nothing.

I relaxed and felt my body feel light. I was meditating. Becoming more powerful as I found peace and settlement. I opened my eyes softly to see Kiko doing the same in her own bird-like way. Once she gets strong enough she may evolve herself into a stronger version of herself.

I re-closed my eyes and found myself in darkness as I traveled from my physical body to the spirit one. My form was not decided to myself even in spirit form. I have trouble making decisions if you havn't noticed.

Yes I may be over three hundred years old, but that doesn't mean I had my form picked out. I want to save my power and energy for something important. For a form that will please me when I know of it.

A Beautiful spirit in a ghostly kimono dress stood to my left. Her long brown hair and black eyes gazed at me for a moment in confusion, her soft pink lips opened to say something and stopped halfway before continuing.

"Zen-sama?" The soft voice was unmistakeable.

"Yes, Hello Kiko-chan." I greeted, letting my greenish glowing orb of an unchosen form bob up and down.

A Shadow of a Shinobi {Naruto/Spirited Away Fan Fiction}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora