3.4 The appointment

Start from the beginning

He showed the insignia of Gringotts that was stamped on the front of the letter, 'See?'. The guards looked at each other after checking the insignia very closely, a few passersbys also looked over at the odd sight of a bird seemingly claiming to have an appointment before the guards. The guards stepped away from the big double doors, taking their weapons away as well.

...Harry was still flying before the door, '??'. The guards watched, as did the onlookers, what's keeping it from entering? Then the obvious happened, the doors were opened from inside by someone coming out, Harry used the opportunity to slip inside at that moment. '... Oh.. It couldn't open the door by itself'.

Finally inside, Harry went to one of the Tellers, landing on a railing that went around all the stations. The goblin looked at the bird, pushed its glasses up and squinted. "Are an Animagus? If so please turn back if you are here for business", Harry took the letter into his beak before putting it onto the plate that was between him and the goblin. The Teller sighed before taking the crumbled letter. He skimmed though the first and last matters addressed in it, the middle part not essentially needed by a Teller goblin to know.

(A/N: The letter had stated:)
<Dear Sir Harrison,
we ask you to come to Gringotts as soon as the next year arrives. It's an important matter and we wish to discuss it with you privately. Please come find us and ask for Griphook at the reception to guide you to the head goblin. May your Gold flow and your enemies fall before you.


'May I ask where Sir Griphook is?' the Robin's eyebrow rose up at the question he heard in his mind. '...', he put the letter down, "Excuse me for a moment". He jumped down from his stoll going over to some goblins gathered before a door to the left corner of the building's backside. He then came back to Harry.

Harry's POV

The Teller goblin came back, I could barely see his head as he jumped back onto his stoll. "Go follow the goblin with a blue fly around his neck, he will show you to Griphook", I looked over to where his nose pointed since I couldn't see his finger. 'Ah, okay. Thank you Sir', I grabbed the letter before flapping my dark wings to go after the other goblin.  We went through a door which was opened for him, he side glanced at me..then my wings. He frowned, he ruffled around under the upper part of his jacket before getting out a glove, "Could you please cease your flying? It is very disturbing".

I raised an eyebrow. If I were a human, you would probably also see me pulling the corners of my mouth back, 'He wants me to land on his tiny arm..? I don't want to cause trouble but his look says I better should..'. By now we both stayed were we are, me in the air and he on the ground. I hesitantly flew lowered and onto his presented outstretched arm.

... He didn't collapse!? "Squawk?!". He continued walking, "We goblins are not frail bodied if that is what you were thinking. Do you know how hard it is to put all those new bills and transactions into their respective folders?". My beak opened a bit but the tips closed shortly after, "Thought as much" the goblin looked back to where we were going. We had arrived in a hallway with many doors, 'If not for how high the ceiling was, it could've resembled a regular hallway at Hogwarts.'

Before one of the doors we halted, there was a nameplate above it, 'Potter..'. The goblin holding me knocked, "Yes?" came from the other side in a hurried manner.. but with a tired tone. "There is someone with a letter from you here, it having been addressed to a Sir Harrison", there was a short pause from inside "Enter". After opening the door, I had only a few seconds to look around before I was lowered onto a wooden table that was in the middle of the room. The goblin bowed before leaving me with who was probably Griphook.

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