3.4 The appointment

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The castle was bathed in the rays of the morning sun, the lake glistened from the sun's rays. It was about 7am when the first students entered the great hall for breakfast. Chatter was dim in the morning, now even more so after the arrival the students had to experience. The only thing 'hyping' the students up, or, lifting the mood for that matter, was the sorting that was to be held either in the afternoon or evening.

"Ugh.. I hope lessons won't be too harsh today.. I'm in no way interested in listening to anyone right now. I just want my pillow, my bed.. Maybe my pet.. And that's it", opposite of the boy, a few other students - even those sitting on the other house tables - nodded in agreement. They had circles underneath their eyes, which seemed to shut close every now and then from lack of sleep.

"I agree, but.. I don't want to leave Hogwarts, it is the safest place here afterall...right?" A girl spoke into the group while leaning against her hand, her friend - which sat next to her - looked a bit more distraught. It was a Slytherin in the 3rd year curriculum, "But wasn't that..because the teachers were nearby? How about now.. I mean.. The headmaster will probably be called in by the ministry because of what happened... Who knows how safe it will be then". A Hufflepuff silently glanced down at their plate, having lost what could have been thought of as a bit of appetite, "Especially.. with the Councelor gone..".

Misery reigned the air early in the morning, saddening the Hogwarts castle itself. Even the teachers didn't know how to respond to 'this kind' of Misery the students gave off, it was new territory for them. Maybe they could cheer them up, or try to liften their mood someway?

On the other hand, at the entrence of Hogwarts, Harrison - who was still an eagle - spread his wings out leaning slightly forward. 'I'd have preferred to rest a bit longer, but I shouldn't push my luck with appointments' his head lifted up as he took off with massive swings of his wings. Although a bit odd to see, his figure soon disappeared toward Hogsmeade Village. The air was chilly and dry, not really making it easy for Harry to stay with his decision of going to Gringotts instead of turning around. Thank goodness though for the nurse, she had wrapped a shawl around him before he left the medical wing.

'Makes it easier to forget the cold, but now I feel like an animal getting hunted', flying over the old styled houses of Hogsmeade, Harry followed along the signposts to get to Diagon Alley. It was a long trip, about 3 hours long, but he had no room for thoughts in between flying and being careful not to loose the shawl tied around his neck. 'Finally!'

Below him was a place, with many buildings and alleys, that was so loud with sounds and life, that it could only be Diagon Alley. Even though it was neither early nor late, as it was about 10am, the streets were still roamed by many wizards and witches. Delicious scents filled the air, coffee, beacon.. Eggs, roasted meat.. 'If I hadn't stopped by the kitchen I'd have caused a hazard by assaulting those shops and restaurants'.

Finishing his observations of the busiest marketplace in all of England, Harry took to flying toward the goblin Bank. He flew over the heads of many people, with a few looking up to see an eagle with a shawl around its neck. Although it was common to see birds fly every which way above the streets of Diagon Alley, large birds with shawls weren't seen..most days. Before Harry, the big building with two guards standing before the Bank doors came into sight, 'Gringotts'. The collar hidden under his feathers glistened slightly from light.

The guards stopped the bird from entering, blocking the - in their eyes - weird poultry by crossing over their big long weapons. Harry took a swing backwards in surprise giving an indignant squawk. He looked at the guards whose eyes were zero'd in on his small figure. Thankfully, Harry's magic had recovered enough to use his normal means of speaking. 'Excuse me, but I have an appointment to attend', one of the crystals from his color glowed before a parchment flew out of it. Harry's feathery behind leaned forwards to grab the letter with his claws before the wind could steal it.

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