IX- Sick Days(2)

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'You guys-'

'Yeah?' began Aiden. 

'We've got sanitizer, masks, samosas, and some medicines,' Mini completed.

Aru's throat itched. With great difficulty, she suppressed a cough. 'What are you guys doing here?' 

'Well, my phone's battery was ehh dead so I couldn't see your text,' Aiden answered, his face was tinted with pink. 'I and Mini came across each other on the sidewalk. She told me you were sick. So, I thought I'd come to see how you're doing.'

'And umm your mom asked me to see how you're doing...I know it's highly dangerous that I'm coming here but well, I thought I would keep you company for a while,'

Even though her friends disturbed her while she was sleeping, Aru was melted by this heartfelt act. Waking Aru up is a crime but well, this was an exception. All of her pain vanished as a warm smile crept up to Aru's face. 'Thanks, guys.' she said. 'Wait...Isn't there school today?'

'Yeah, I mean, no. Cold outbreak...if that's a thing.'

Mini put on a mask. 'Contrary to popular belief, cold is actually dangerous at times, it could cause serious health issues.' she said, her voice muffled.

'Oh, and the callbacks are on Saturday due to this,'

Aru thanked the gods. 'That's awesome,' she said weakly.  'Come in,'



'Okay, sure,' said Mini. 'Oh, Aiden's back!'

Aru turned towards Aiden who was carrying a plate of samosas freshly heated in the microwave. She could smell the aroma wafting through the air from the couch(which Aru liked to call "The Best Place In The House,"). Suddenly, her stomach grumbled as if it hadn't eaten in a thousand years.
Foooooooood, her brain agreed.

Aiden placed the plate on the table. He ran a hand through his hair. He began- 'Brynne firmly insisted me that I should follow this pamphlet which contained the instructions on how to heat it in the microwave and on the pan. But...it has 37 pages with size 11 font so...'

Mini removed her mask and put a samosa on her plate. Aru brought the snack up to her mouth. Then she shot up from her seat and made her way to the fridge to get the hot sauce. Aru was just opening the door of the refrigerator when Mini stopped her and told her about the risk she might face if she eats any cold item. 'In your situation, an item with exposure to cold temperatures for a long time could be harmful,'
'I'm fine now,' Aru had lied but her body had betrayed her. She let out a series of sneezes. After the long session of sneezing, Mini raised her eyebrows to prove her point.


Uhmm, sorry for the short updates...Really sorry.

School is like...whoaa...

Speaking of school, gotta go! 

Have a great day/night/evening,

-v s s

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