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I took my shower, styled my hair, put on my dress, and did a little bit of makeup, and then I slid on my heels. 

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I put on some nude lipstick and then left my bedroom

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I put on some nude lipstick and then left my bedroom. I walked downstairs and saw a bunch of people I didn't know and saw my friends. I walked over to the bar, I could feel eyes on me but I didn't know who it was or where they were. I sat down at the barstool next to Bruce, "are you all right?" he asked as I looked at him, "Yeah, why?" I cocked my head, "you seem to be off a little" he spoke as I stared at him, "most of these people I don't know and everyone else has years of friendship with one another...I'm just not really a party person" I told him, "don't feel bad" he spoke as I glanced over to dad who was talking to Steve and Thor about something. I mingled with a few of them until I came up to Thor who was now talking with his brother. "Lady Y/n! You look amazing! The dress, gold heels, and gold eye makeup make me kind of think of Loki" he spoke as I blinked a few times, Loki and I stared at Thor, "green and gold go great together" Loki and I said in unison as we looked at one another and furrowed our eyebrows. 

"Yes. I suppose that is true" Thor spoke, "beside brother, you took the color red..." Loki spoke as I looked around and then giggled, "Thor wears red and Loki wears green...y'all are just ready for Christmas forever" I joked as I started laughing. "Christmas?" Thor and Loki cocked their heads, "y'all don't know what Christmas is?" I asked and they shook their head. "We don't have it on Asgard," Loki told me as I blinked a few times, "well hopefully you two will be here in December (Me the author over here just assuming you weren't born in December! XD)" I smiled and then spotted Bucky and Steve talking. I smiled and ran up to them. I jumped onto Bucky's back. "Sup loser?" I asked as he chuckled, "hello doll" he spoke as I smiled and got off his back. "Whatcha nerds talking about?" I asked, "nothing" Bucky spoke as I studied his microexpressions, "liar" I spoke as he arched an eyebrow, "I can read microexpressions like Cal Lightman from Lie To Me. So it's kinda hard to lie to me" I told him, "I'm gonna take this moment to walk away..." Steve said as he walked off, "it's complicated" Bucky told me as I stared at him, "here...it'll be easier if there weren't so many people around listening in on our conversation" he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the balcony were very few people were. "I-I have something important to tell you" he started, "uhm...first off...Happy birthday," he said as I remembered that today was my birthday. "I have a photographic memory and can't seem to remember my own birthday" I groaned as he chuckled, "uh, s-secondly...uhm...I-I know I'm a horrible example because of my past, and how long I've been alive...but do you think you could ever date someone like...like me?", "Someone like you as in...someone who is 106 years old? Or like...as in an assassin who was once controlled by Hydra and now is a good guy?" I asked as he thought for a moment, I could tell the wheels were turning in his head. 

"B-Both?" he shrugged as I laughed which caused him to chuckle. I thought for a moment, "I dunno...why?" I asked cocking my head, and he let out a sigh. "C'mon Y/n...don't tell me you're the only one who doesn't see it..." he whispered more to himself than to me. I smiled a little, I knew what he was trying to tell me but I wanted him to tell me, "I do see it Bucky..." I whispered as he looked into my eyes, "but you're gonna have to tell me" I told him as he blinked a few times, "I-I'm in love with you" he spoke as I stared at him, 'I knew what he meant and it still caught me off guard' I mentally spoke, I just smiled, wrapped my arms around him and kissed him passionately.

~Loki's pov~

I chuckled at a joke my brother told and then looked around. I saw Y/n and Barnes on the balcony talking. "Rogers" I stared as Steve looked at me, "what are Y/n and Barnes doing out there?" I asked as he chuckled, "well...it depends on how it'll go...if it goes well, you'll find out...if not then Buck probably won't tell yo-..." Steve was cut off by watching Y/n kiss Barnes. I felt rage start to boil in my blood and I gripped my glass too hard causing it to break. The others jumped and let out a startled yelp. "Loki! You just broke your glass" my brother spoke as I looked at him. I looked back at Y/n and Barnes as he placed his forehead against hers and smiled. "I think I'm ready for bed" I spoke as I turned, "oh no you don't Reindeer Games...she hasn't cut her cake or opened any of her preseeeeeeee....why is Barnes and Y/n kissing?!" Tony asked 'that'll stop them!' I mentally smirked, "he's in love with her" Steve simply spoke as Tony groaned, "Tony..." Thor warned, "yeah! I know...what happened is in the past..." Tony sighed, "anyway, she hasn't cut her cake or opened her presents yet" Toy spoke as I growled slightly.

"Then allow me to head to my room for her present...please" I spoke as Tony nodded and I walked off. Once in my room, I let out a scream of anger and threw something at the wall by the door causing my brother to duck. "What are you doing here?" I asked still angry, "what's wrong brother?" Thor asked, "what's wrong? Barnes and Y/n being together! That's what's wrong!" I shouted as Thor stared at me, "why do you care? You never liked her" he spoke as I glared at him, "I care because I'm in lo-...you know what...it doesn't matter" I spoke as I grabbed my favorite book. "I got what I came for" I growled walking out of the bedroom. 

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