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~Several weeks later~

I was sitting on the couch minding my own business when Tony walked past with some papers, "what are you doing?" I asked as he stopped and looked at me, our relationship was getting better day by day, I stopped being a bitch to him, and even allowed him to classify me as his daughter, Peter and Bucky ended up being my best friends, I'd work with Bruce in the lab from time to time, Wanda and I became like sisters, Natasha became my sparring buddy, Steve and Sam became my work out buddies, Rhodey and Scott became like my uncles, and Vision, Thor and I became like siblings. Vision is like my over-protective brother and Thor was more of the "you wanna sneak out? All right, I'll help. I see nothing wrong with this" kind of brother. I think it's because of where he's from Asgard and doesn't really understand that sneaking out is actually really bad. Loki and I absolutely hated one another, it would get so bad that sometimes we couldn't even be in the same room with one another. "I'm building something...a new suit," Tony said as I stared at him, "cool" I spoke as I went back to reading my book, that was until I saw the thing Peter uses to swing around hit my book and then it is pulled out of my hands. "Hey!" I shouted as I looked at the ceiling and saw Parker sitting cross-legged on the ceiling. "What are you reading?" he asked looking at the book, "nunya" I spoke as he arched an eyebrow, "none of your business" I spoke as he looked at the title. "The Mister?" he asked as I stared at him, "wait..." and then he gasped loudly, "does Mr. Stark know you're reading a book like Fifty Shades?" he asked as I snorted, "no...so I'd like it back please," I said as he chuckled and let it go, I caught it and smiled. I sat back down when Tony walked past once again, "Y/n, where's Parker?" he asked as I looked at the ceiling, Tony followed my gaze and then shook his head, "glad to see you're both in this room, uhm Parker, I need to speak with you..." Tony spoke as Peter nodded and jumped off the ceiling, he landed on the couch and then walked off with Tony. 

I opened my book and started reading again. That was when Thor walked in talking to Clint who was also like my older brother about something. "So, this man...goes on a killing spree because some people killed his dog?" Thor asked as I peaked over my book and saw Clint was nodding, "it's very bloody, and very awesome" Clint spoke, "what's this man's name?" Thor asked as I smiled slightly, "John Wick" Clint responded, "why is he not an Avenger?","because he's just a movie character" Clint spoke as I snickered. After a few minutes Nat and Wanda walked up to me, "come on loser, we're going shopping" Nat spoke as I arched an eyebrow, "c'mon, it'll be fun" Wanda spoke as I thought for a moment, "fine" I smiled as I closed my book, I shoved it into my bag, slid my shoes on, and then followed them into the garage. "Stark said we can take one of his vehicles...but we don't need a vehicle that seats just two people..." Nat said as she climbed into a vehicle, Wanda and I got in the car, she sat up front and we left the compound. "So, why are we going shopping exactly?" I arched an eyebrow, Wanda and Nat glanced at one another, "because we got bored" Nat spoke as I studied her microexpressions, "mhm...sure" I knew they were lying. I didn't mind though, I was just happy to be spending time with my friends. We shopped at a few shops until we got to a clothing store, "c'mon Y/n, let's buy you a dress...a green one because green looks really good on you" Wanda spoke as I chuckled a little, "a cocktail dress" Natasha added as I snorted. "Fine! Let's go look at the cocktail dresses" I spoke as they giggled slightly. I grabbed a few dresses, tried them on, a lot of them I didn't like because they didn't feel like me, until the last one, I slid the dress on, and I felt like it was something I could wear more than once. 


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The girls also seemed to like it as well, so that was the dress we bought, on the way back we had stopped for some ice cream. We walked into the front room and I saw Loki, Thor, Tony, Steve, Bucky, and Peter sitting on the couch, they grew silent when they saw me. "Hey, have fun?" Tony asked as I smiled, "Yeah, we got ice cream on the way back and I got this really pretty green dress" I told him as I sat down beside Tony. "Whatcha guys doing?" I asked as he smiled, "it's a secret" Tony spoke as I arched an eyebrow, "secret thing" Thor spoke as Loki crossed his arms, "we can talk about it later, what's this dress look like?" Tony asked as I smiled, "you want to see me in it?" I asked as he nodded, "I need to make sure that it's not too revealing...you're my daughter." he spoke as I chuckled, "all right...I'll be back" I went upstairs to my room, changed into the dress, and then walked back downstairs. They all stared at me even Loki, "wow...green is really your color" Thor spoke as I chuckled, "I love this dress, it's so pretty" I smiled as Tony smiled, "it is a very beautiful dress on a very beautiful woman" he spoke as I smiled, "even Loki likes it" Steve joked as I looked at Loki who was staring at me, I blushed slightly because Loki had never looked at me like that before. "Don't be ridiculous..." Loki snarled at Steve and looked away. 

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