Episode 10 - One Step Away From You

Start from the beginning

Luckily, the blood trail didn't end there, but you were sure McCullum had passed that road because of the putrid smell of death. Only a few like him could pass through that part of the city with such safety...

But suddenly, some thoughts hammered your mind...what if it's not him but someone else? Plus, what would you have done if you found him? Would he have accepted your help if he were seriously in trouble?

Well, you wouldn't have found the answers if you didn't find him first, so you kept looking for the vampire hunter.

The smell became more and more intense, it meant that you were approaching your destination. The dark fog hid your slim and stately figure, so you couldn't fear being seen, neither by a human nor by another immortal.

You knew you were on the right track when heard noises like slashing and then gunshots. Somewhere, a fight was taking place...a fight between Good and Evil.

Smoke still escaped from the barrel of the hunter's gun, while the bullet had pierced the monster's forehead perfectly.

《These damned Skals, they were the only ones missing to piss me off...》  Geoffrey's voice was the only human voice that could be heard in that deserted, dirty alley.

After killing the vampire, he let himself fall backwards leaning his back against a wall...there, you realized the smell of blood was coming from his wound.
The fabric of his jacket was torn and bloody at the left shoulder. He pressed it to stop the bleeding, but he also needed to reload his firearm before any more vampires showed up.

You felt the desire to help him, but you were afraid, scared of his reaction and his words despite what he had tried to do earlier to you with little restraint.

《...I really want to help him, but what if he gets mad again?》  You thought with hesitation.

But soon after, your senses warned you of another presence...it was approaching the hunter very quickly. However, Geoffrey didn't seem to have noticed until its claws and fangs appeared in front of him.


McCullum fired a sharp shot in the direction of the strange shadow. His stinking smell was the same as the other Skals, but he wasn't like them...apparently, that vampire knew very well how to move through the darkness to be able to capture his prey without being seen by anyone, if not by another vampire.

《Go out you fucking bastard!》

He fired a few warning shots. At that moment, the Skal appeared to his right, but the man was able to fire at him. Sweat rolled off his forehead as he saw him dodge the bullet and approach within inches of his face...Geoffrey stretched his arms forward to protect himself from the vampire's surprise attack, but he lost his balance and fell to the ground with him.

The Skal growled at him above his body. The gun had been lost during the fall and he was empty of arrows for his crossbow. A few meters separated him from his only way of safety...the sword.
He tried to grab it by extending his injured arm as far as he could while keeping busy the vampire with the other.

But it wasn't enough to grab the hilt.
The vampire's long, monstrous fangs tried to reach dangerously his neck.

《No, it can't end up like this...!》

It was the thought that both of you were having at the same time, before Geoffrey's body was covered in blood.

* * *

The Skal was about to bite the vampire hunter when something made him growl painfully; the monster's chest was completely pierced at the height of the heart at an incredible speed and all his blood fell upon the man below him.

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