Chapter 9

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Technoblade POV

Well the first few lines in the letter said stuff about how he was and that sort of stuff. Then it talked about the people Tommy was staying with and for one person called Dream the person who wrote it described Dream like an amazing person and almost like a God and then it went on to describe a person called Quackity the handwriting changed, the handwriting was worse than before, at this part and said how he was a great person as well then the writing changed again when it described Karl, clearly the people writing this were describing them self, they sound up their own ass.

Why can't they just let Tommy reply to me rather than they write it. I screwed it up and when I did I could see a a few small words on the other side of the paper.

It said 'we don't believe this bullshit and neither does Tommy he also won't be going back to L'manburg'. What do they mean ,they were sending Tommy back here so he could get better and then he goes back. I decided to go talk to Wilbur and ask him about it. So I unscrewed the letter and folded it neatly in half. I walked out of my room and walked to Wilburs.

I knocked on the door and heard Wilbur call out at me 'come in'. I opened the door and walked in.

"Hey Wilbur." I say.

"Hi Techno what do you want I'm kind of busy." He explained while pointing at some scatered paperwork on his desk.

"I just wanted to ask if Tommy is still coming here in a few days." I said. When I said this Wilburs face lighted up with confusion.

"Yeah he is and he's probably going to hate me and you and Phil. We have fucked up haven't we." Wilbur said muttering the last part.

"Well I wrote a letter to him an-" Before I finished my sentence Wilbur cut me off.

"What do you mean 'I wrote a letter to him' you do know how angry and annoyed Phil will be." Wilbur said frantically.

"I know I know but then I got a reply from the people he is staying with and on the back it said he wouldn't be coming back to L'manburg." I explain.

"Well I doubt that that will happen like what are they going to do about it. They can't stop him from coming back." Wilbur explained.

''OK." I say.

George POV

There is one day until we leave and I think we should tell Tommy. I mean it just makes sense doesn't it?

"Hey guys do you think we should tell Tommy about the plan to leave here. I think it will make him want to go with us more." I explain. I get a few nods from Sapnap, Quackity and Karl.

''Yeah I guess we should, I say Quackity does." Dream says.We all give Dream a nod in response to his question.

"I mean he probably knows about it because of how loud we are talking  about it." Karl said.

"Yeah probably. Where even is Tommy." I ask.

"I think he's in his room." Sapnap said pointing to the direction of Tommy's room. We all looked towards Tommy's room to see the door open and close with Tommy stumbling our of it.

"Are you alright Tommy," Quackity said loud enough for Tommy to here from the other side of the room. "Do you want my help?" Quackity offered Tommy within 10 seconds Tommy noded in response and Quackity walked up to Tommy and helped him to the table. When Tommy sat down he grabbed some paper and a pen and started to write something down. When he finished writing on it he gave it to me and I read it aloud to the rest of us.

" 'You do know that even though my room is the other side of the room I can still here you when you yell.' Well i guess we don't have to explain it to you then. " I say thankful that we don't have to explain the plan to someone else.

"Well do you agree to the plan?" Sapnap asks, Tommy noded and sapnap sighed in relief.

"Ok so tomorrow night we leave and George have you got a way for us to get to your palace." Karl asks.

"Yes I called them a few days ago," I said. I look at Tommy and he picked up another pice of paper and started to write on it. He then gave it to me. "Karl what about your work."

"I'll meet up with you all at some point." Karl said.

'When I'm better will I have to go back to L'manburg.' I read he gave me a look that said to not read this aloud. He gave me the pen and I wrote on it. I wrote only of he wants to and he seemed okay with that for a answer.

The next day went by slowly and worrying that we would be caught and sent back and Tommy would be sent to L'manburg. But luckily only me and Sapnap had to go to do work but when we came back everything was fine. The night went by fairly quickly.

In the morning we all packed out stuff up so when night fell on us again we all were ready to leave.

"Right I'm going can you take my bag when you go." Karl asked me.

"Yeah sure I can take it." I say.

''OK thanks." Karl said as he walked outside the cabin to go to do his work.

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