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"Angela!" you called for your friend Angela "Yeah??" she said coming in your room "Help me pick a dre- why'd you bring Carey?" you asked hiding the dresses behind you. Carey is your brother who's pretty overprotective of you. "I swear I didn't bring him he just came?" she said "My little sister is going to a party. Of course I need to check your outfit?!" he yelled making you flinch "It's just a party Carey nothing more." you groaned "Babe, she's right leave her alone!" Angela said "Does it look like i care?! I need someone to monitor over you and to make sure you stay away from Brenden!" he said making you and Angela groan. "She's 26 let her be!"

Angela said, "It's my job to protect her okay? I don't want boys to break her heart." he said making you look at him softly "Listen, I know one guy broke my heart. And I was crying for hours but I can take care of myself now and I know which guy is right and wrong for me. Plus he's your teammate!" you said "I don't care if he's my teammate. Just don't go to the party and watch a movie with me and Angela!" he suggested "No!" you said "Why?!" he whined "Because last time you guys left me for couples time." you said making a disgusted look. They looked pretty embarrassed "So, instead of hearing those disgusting moans. I'd rather go to this party." you said.

Carey finally agreed making you smile. You wore this dress

and did your makeup and put your hair up with a clip

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and did your makeup and put your hair up with a clip. "Okay I'm leaving now goodbye!" you yelled leaving the house and closing the door shut. You unlocked your car and went in and started driving to the house. You finally made it and locked your car door and walked in the house party. You saw a bunch of familiar faces but the first one you saw was your friend Jenna "Hey Jenna, how are you?" you asked coming up to her "I'm alright, and you?" Jenna asked grabbing a cup of beer "I'm alright as well. What are you looking at?" you asked looking at her direction "Just Brendan Gallagher looking more like staring at you as soon as you walked in." she smirked making you blush.

"I like him a lot as well..but Carey doesn't let me," you said playing with your fingers "He's coming this way..goodbye Y/N good luck!" she said running off making you mentally curse at her. "Hey Y/N" Brendan called "Hi Brendan how are you doing?" you asked him with a smile "I'm alright and you?" he asked "I'm alright as well..just been chilling." you said looking away "Listen Y/N..I really like you, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out on a date with me?" he asked you, "Brendan. I would love too. But my brother you know how protective he is over me he probably won't accept you.." you said looking down. "Ah don't worry about him, I bet Angela can work her magic and convince him."

he said making you laugh a bit "She definitely has her ways." you said "So..what do ya say?" he asks "Yes." you said.

6 Months later

"Babe! Stop running!" you yelled at your boyfriend who was running around the kitchen. See you were cooking, "Okay, okay." he said catching his breath. *DING* the door rang "Go check who's at the door Brendan." you said, he walked over to the door "Oh, hey guys!" he said making you curious who could it be?? "Babe, it's your brother!" he said making you drop everything and run "Carey!!" you yelled running to hug him, you guys haven't seen each other in a while because Angela and Carey went on vacation. "Hello my little sister, did Brendan take good care of you?" he said glaring at Brendan "Yes, oh my gosh I missed you guys so much!" you screeched making Angela and Brendan 'Awe'

"I was just cooking, c'mon in." you said they both came in and sat on the couch and you guys had an amazing talk and got to catch up.

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