Chapter 5. Heroes against villains

Start from the beginning


The door is opened suddenly by All Might.

All Might:"I'm walking through the door like a completely normal person!"

Y/N:"...why would you say that though?"

Eijira:"Yeah, that's... weird..."

All Might:"A-anyways, get on your seats, kiddos, the class is about to start."

I went to my seat, not before thanking Eijira for the save. Momo and Katsuki properly said hello to me, and went to their seats.

Shoto grabbed her table and chair and sat next to me, hugging my arm.

All Might:"All right, today, we are going to begin hero training. For that..."

He suddenly gets briefcases with numbers on them. Wait, don't tell me...

All Might:"We got your hero suits!"

Everyone cheered. We all wanted to see our suits alredy.

All Might:"So, take your suits, dress up, and meet me on the battle center! Move it kiddos, we have things to do today!"

We all grabbed our suits, and went to the changing rooms.

I opened the case and dressed up. Damm, I like it.

My father bussiness made it

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My father bussiness made it. He works for a company named REVOCS.

Tokoyami:"I like your style, Y/N."

I turned around to see Tokoyami, one of Ojiro's friends, behind me. He is a nice guy. A little bit edgy, but he is cool.

 A little bit edgy, but he is cool

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Ojiro:"Yeah dude, it's cool!"

Denki:"Damm, not only an harem, but a cooler suit than us..."

Mineta:"It's so unfair!"

Koji Koda gave me a thumbs up. He is not much of a talker.

 He is not much of a talker

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