Spikes got talent

Start from the beginning

"You like?"

"I am going to kill you!!" Y/n ran to her. Ava screamed and ran off while people left scared of y/n. Leo went in front of her to stop her but y/n kept pushing him out of the way.

"Chase help me!"

"Why did you not read it?"

"Yes! But do you really want your girlfriend to go to jail for killing someone!?"

"She won't actually kill her" Chase then thought about to. "Never mind" he went up to her and held her back from her waist as Leo helped him. They managed to pull her away but she got out of their grips. Chase grabbed her and threw her over his shoulders

"This isn't over Miller!"


Y/n was siting down watching the talent show. She looked disgusted as someone was gargling water while singing Twinkle Twinkle little star. Perry suddenly hit the buzzer.

"Next! Don't you spit that out! You swallow that disgusting performance!" He walked off while Leo walked up. "Ugh Dooley. Next!"

"Hey give him a chance you gave one to everyone else" y/n said

"Yea come on"

"Fine. Just get it over with."

"Three solid steel rings pass right through each other to become interlock." Leo got the rings locked together. "Locked solid right? Hmm?" Leo blew on the rings and they disappeared. Y/n was shocked and everyone started clapping.

"Wow! That wasn't awful! Alright you're in" Perry said.

"Yes! Now for my next trick I'll leave while I'm ahead" Leo said y/n gave him a hug. They pulled away and y/n kept her arm around him as Chase went up and they sat down.

"What's your talent? Other than having my middle school haircut." Perry said

"I am the smartest man to ever live," y/n looked at him with her arm still around Leo. "break out your online dictionaries people- I can spell any word."

"I got one for ya: 'Snoosefest'" everyone started booing and threw paper balls at him except y/n and Leo. "Next!"

"No! No! I have another talent!" Perry looked at him for him to continue. "I can do magic" y/n straighten up looking at Leo then back at him.

"Oh no you can't" Y/n heard Leo. Chase suddenly used his molecular kinesis to life the paper balls that were thrown at him. Y/n and Leo both stared at him. He started moving them around. He then shot them back hitting the people.

"Wow! That was amazing!" Everyone started clapping "Dooley you're out." Leo got up from his seat and stared at her in disbelief. "Little Dutch boy, you're in!" Everyone started leaving and Leo walked to Chase

"Great job Chase. Hey maybe for your next trick you can remove this knife form my back!" Leo walked away and Chase walked towards y/n.

"Really chase?" Y/n asked. Chase didn't say anything and they walked out.


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