Jung Hoseok💙

10 3 2

You were getting bored and not having anything to do.. You had spend a lot of time lying on the couch upside down. You could see your mom walking upside down well...you were upside down. You kept scrolling through the phone to waste time but didn't work out.

You heard your mom speaking from the kitchen..

Mom : Im gonna go to store to get the supplies... Stay home.!

Your head shot up quickly as you heard your mom speak.
Trying to get out from the couch you fell down upside down hurting your butt..

You stood up rubbing your butt and walked to mom.

Y/n : Mom I'll come with you.

Mom : No y/n ..you have to stay home you sister might arrive when we are gone . So i need someone home.

Sighing you looked around thinking and spoke again.

Y/n : Mom.. I can go to the store and you can stay home.!

Mom : Are you serious ? You don't even know the items required.

Y/n : Mom..I'll write a note of things that i need to buy.. I'll go the store.

Mom : What?!

Y/n : Mom I'm bored to death sitting in couch for hours having nothing to do.. Please I'll go..!

Sighing your mom gave you the list of items and cash needed.

Grabbing the keys of the car you hoped out happily.
Starting the engine you drove to the store.
On the way to store you were thinking about the person whom you saw online a bit before.
Your crush since high school.!

You scrolled through his profile and saw many of his pictures.
Still having a part of your heart for him you smiled softly.
Soon you reached the store and parked the car outside.
You walked into the store grabbing a cart and walking along the shelves searching for the items you needed..

You reached the side where there were a lot of kids toys and plushies.
You were looking through them when a little girl called you pulling your top.

You bend down and saw her cute adorable face.

Y/n : Hi baby ..are you lost? Where is your mom?

The baby didn't spoke instead pointed at the cute elephant plushie at the top most shelf.

Y/n : You want that?

The kid nodded her head eagerly and shot a killer cute smile.

Y/n : Ok.. I'll get that for you.!

You stood up and saw it was a bit higher than you expected but you were determined to get the toy for the little one.

You tip toed and tried to reach it but failed and kept failing many tries.
You were trying to grab them when a tall figure hovered above you making you quickly turn around.

You were met by a tall guy getting the toy with ease and handed it over to the little girl. He looked at you back but you couldn't recognize him as his face was covered in a mask.

Man : Hey....Y/n..?!

You were shocked to how he knows you. You looked at him with a lot of questions but before that you pushed him away from you freeing yourself from between him and the shelves.

Y/n : How do you know me?

You could really feel awkwardness and embarrassment floating in air.

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