𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘; 6 𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴

413 11 0

Titans Tower, JumpCity
The Rain poured down outside of the tower, Thunder rumbling the building structures. Waves crashing up against the tower and the land below it. As much as Robin keeps his eye on the News he didn't catch a rain forecast, And this wasn't like any rain he had seen before.

It was almost like it was emotionally dictated, When cars got loud on the roads a strike of lightning crashed down. You can't control the weather but it sure can control you. The lighting and Thunder were chasing people inside and getting worryingly close to those who it didn't scare. And that caught All of the Titan's eyes.

It was hurting them but warning them, That's not Mother Nature.

But focusing on the Titans, Starfire happily was trying to get her Teammates to indulge in her cooking.

"Well uh, it looks. Great star"
Robin said trying to seem nice without discouraging her, Star went around to all of the Titans but the only one who didn't comply was beast boy.

And it broke her heart, He's usually her number one supporter.

"How am I supposed to eat that- it tastes like rubber" He jokingly stuck out his tongue and gagged, It was a Joke- But star didn't catch that. She just felt hurt and Disappeared into her room.

Before beastboy could go and apologize Robin called the Titans to a meeting, and Starfire didn't show, He said that a bridge had been struck down by lighting and innocent people needed to be saved'

The Titans sprung into action, With Victor in his car and Raven and Beastboy taking to the sky. Robin on his Motorcycle.
When they got to the scene, It wasn't just civilians there. Two males, One gray and One bright yellow- Symbols of A cloud and A thunder strike on Their clothing. The Bright Yellow male Struck and lifted his hand - A lightning strike came crashing down breaking another cable of the bridge.

Civilians screamed in their cars trying to hold on for dear life as cars fell into the water below. Robin ordered Beastboy and Raven to get the people while cyborg Deals with the cables.
The , Presuming , Brothers will have to wait.
Doesn't mean Robin won't do anything though , He went after the mind play roughte.

"Titans. Go!"
JumpCity , San Francisco ; Y/N's Apartment.

Y/N , Just getting off their shift of work laid down on her couch. Earlier that day They had realized they hadn't gotten Victors Number , So everything was in the mean hands of fate again.
The rain put a even worse damper on Their day , as much as Y/N loved the rain,  this was too much.

Kyre Jumped at every Lighting strike , The Thunder  didn't bother him. The flashing Lights did , But Y/N noticed him jumping a lot more. As there where A lot more Flashes Than regular lighting. In fact there were blue flashes along with i- Victor.

Is he introuble? Will he be okay? Are the rest of the Titans with him?

Y/N wasn't stupid so They weren't about to go out to a fight scene , But They did keep a close eye on the view of it. It was much farther out , And harder to see.

But Y/N could see ,
They were losing.

"Where's Starfire!?" Robin yelled while swinging himself around a loose cable , Avoiding The lighting. Raven stepped in, Star was nowhere to be found- So she had to do something.

Raven put all of her effort into a spell , the chanting louder than usual. The bridge breaking  all of Victors efforts. Beastboy had Grabbed all of The civilians, So only the Titans and The two brothers where left.

"Oh,boo hoo! No fair , You took all the fun!"
The Lighting related brother Struck a lighting strike at Raven. It reflected, And it reflected hard. With all of her effort pieces the bridge back together , shaking both brothers off it. Although one just created a cloud to get away on.

That shouldn't have Taken all of her effort.

She feel to the ground out of breath with red in carvings appearing on her arm, she felt them burned in under her selves.

Time was running out.

"Rae! You okay?" Victor walked up to her reaching his hand out. She nodded solemnly , and they arrived home. Robin was angry they got away , and even more angry that Starfire wasn't there.

He went off on her, But Starfire didn't seem to really care. Something was off about her. Her eyes where lighter and her hair was pink instead of Red. She looked washed out, but Robin was too enraged to see that. All of them were disappointed in her, how could they not be.

"You let us down Kori, We needed you out there and You just sat it out over something as minuscule as Beastboy not liking your cooking? I can't believe you" Robin walked off to work his pain off and again Starfire Disappeared to her room. No remorse, No sorry, No anything.

Victor knew, That wasn't Starfire.

But what he didn't know was that Raven was connected to it.

The depths of Hell.

The fire was blazing at almost 200 degrees, While Raven's "father" watched over his daughter's distress as she became aware. Soon Trigon would have his wish.

"Just keep using your power, little one. Not much time until your 'kor-ee' breaks. I hope. That blacked haired girl said she handle it." He grumbled and walked towards his thrown creating himself a path.

"She better."

Trigon Had promised Blackfire much more than she could ever want just to take Starfire. But black fire being lazy Just turned star In as her, and late her serve Blackfire's sentence. Trigon being able to do anything he pleases besides accessibility to the earth world he created a "replica" of the star, a worn-down version, with only Blackfire as Reference. Enough to distract Raven until he needs.

When Starfire had Disappeared to her room,
She had heard Trigons voice. Anything other than his voice would have ripped a hole in reality- and to get what he wanted he needed it in one piece. He made Star internally struggle with him until the pressure was too much, She fought as she was arrested under backfire's Name and did everything she could. But the Titans were gone to deal with the brothers. Raven's mother wasn't a good enough gateway especially since her physical body was dead. He needed his daughter, He needed his weapon to have the human relay all to himself.  Like the selfish Monster, he is After all his name is TRIGON THE TERRIBLE

"Eliminate the possibilities before they happen, you're so smart Trigon" he spoke to himself.

And then get rid of Blackfire after. He directed an internal fight with Beastboy next. He wanted the Titans torn apart, Maybe even dead.

'It's your fault all those people almost died, You offended Star. You put people's lives in danger because you wanted to be a critic. You feel like the man don't you?'

And that was all he needed, Only a couple of days until ravens' birthday. And It seems as if The weather brothers will make a return, he'll make sure of it.

As for Y/N, A human shouldn't be an issue towards his mission. Frozen in time like the rest of the human race, At Least that's what he planned.

His Planning isn't as thorough as he thought.

Oh well, That's his problem.


𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲; 𝘊𝘺𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘨 𝘟 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя