Drago Bludvist and Eret Son of Eret

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~Eret's ship is seen sailing through the ocean.~

Eret: "Keep your eyes peeled, lads! With this wind, we'll reach Drago by daybreak, so best we fill this ship up with dragons and quick! It's no time to be picky." Ug: "Uh...Eret?" Eret: "Not if we want to keep our--" Toothless and Stormfly are spotted flying towards them. Eret: "HEADS! OFF THE PORT QUARTER! Net 'em, lads! Take 'em down!" Y/n flies over them and towards the base. Teeny: "Upon the left!" Eret: "You're not getting away this time. Fire! [Net misses] Reload!" Teeny: "Come on, reload! Incoming!" Eret: "And here I was worried we might turn up empty-handed." Hiccup: "Nope. It's your lucky day. We give up." Hiccup: "That's one Night Fury, one Deadly Nadder, and two of the finest dragon riders west of Luk Tuk. That ought to make the boss happy, right? Excuse us." Astrid: "What are you doing?" Hiccup: "Toothless, stay. The dragons don't really care for cramped spaces, so they'll just hang out with you. They won't be any trouble." The Dragon Trappers pull out their swords and spears. Startled, Toothless growls. Hiccup: "Unless you do that. Wooden boat, big ocean-- How's your swimming?" No-Name: "Not good." A burst of flame erupts from the live well, causing the crewmen to jump back. Hiccup thrusts Inferno through the grate. Hiccup: "Oops. Almost forgot. Can't have armed prisoners." He retracts the blade and offers it up. Teeny cautiously takes it, looking it over. Astrid: "How is this a plan?" Hiccup: "Just what every Dragon Trapper needs. One end coats the blade in Monstrous Nightmare saliva." The pommel of the hilt is expelling green gas. Hiccup: "The other sprays Hideous Zippleback gas. All it takes is a spark and..." No-Name clicks the lighter, igniting the gas. Hiccup ducks as the explosion sweep over the deck. Hiccup: "Oh, yeah, there you go! Once they see you as one of their own, even the testiest dragon can be trained, right, bud?" Eret: "Give me that!" Eret throws Inferno towards the ocean. Stormfly chases after it. Eret: "What game are you playing? " Hiccup: "No game. We just want to meet Drago." Stormfly comes back with Inferno. Eret throws it the other way, and Stormfly chases it again. Eret: "Why?" Hiccup: "Because I'm going to change his mind about dragons." Eret and his men laugh. Stormfly brings back Inferno again, asking to play fetch. Astrid: "He can be really persuasive." Hiccup: "Once you've earned his loyalty, there is nothing a dragon won't do for you." Eret: "Puh! You won't be changing any minds around here." Stormfly asks the other crew to play fetch. Hiccup: "I can change yours. Right here. Right now. [pushes Toothless' tail lever forward, spreading the prosthetic tail.] May I?" Hiccup gets snatched by Snotlout. Barf and Belch slice through the port sail. Eret: "Dragon riders!" Toothless roars and climbs onto the top of the boat. Relaxed once he sees Snotlout, the Twins, and Fishlegs. Hiccup: "Put me down! Snotlout! What are you doing?" Snotlout: (To Ruffnut) "See how well I protect and provide?" Tuffnut: "Aggh! What is with all the nets?!" Ruffnut: "Hey watch it! That was close... (In slow motion) Oh, my. (stares lovingly at Eret's biceps) Me likey. Take me." Hiccup pushes off Hookfang and glides back to the ship on his flight suit. Astrid: "HOLD YOUR FIRE!" Astrid pushes Eret away from the net catapult as he fires, causing the net to barely miss Hiccup. Hiccup glides to the sail, grabs a rope, and rides it down to the deck. Hiccup: "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?!" Gobber: "We're here to rescue you!" Hiccup: "I DON'T NEED to be rescued!" Stoick: "ENOUGH!" Eret: "Well, didn't you just pick the wrong ship, eh? I am Eret, son of--" Stoick shoves his face. Gobber hits him in the head and Grump drops on top of him, falling asleep and pinning him to the deck. Eret: [Breathless] "Get... this... thing... off... me!" Gobber: "Anyone else? That's what I figured." Stoick: "You. Saddle up. We're going home." Hiccup: "No." Stoick: "Of all the irresponsible--" Hiccup: "I'm trying to protect our dragons and stop a war! How is that irresponsible?" Stoick: "BECAUSE WAR IS WHAT HE WANTS, SON!" Stoick realizes he has to explain. Stoick: "Years ago, there was a great gathering of chieftains to discuss the dragon scourge we all faced. Into our midst came a stranger from a strange land, covered in scars and draped in a cloak of dragon skin. He carried no weapon and spoke softly, saying that he, Drago Bludvist, was a man of the people, devoted to freeing mankind from the tyranny of dragons. He claimed that he alone could control the dragons and he alone could keep us safe if we chose to bow down and follow him." The gang laughs. Ruffnut: "Stupid. " Tuffnut: "Good one." Stoick: "Aye. We laughed, too... Until he wrapped himself in his cloak and cried out, "Then see how well you do without me!". Echoed by Drago in flashback. "The rooftop suddenly burst into flames, and from it, armored dragons descended, burning the hall to the ground. I... was the only one to escape." The Viking teens are clearly disturbed by the story. Stoick: "Men who kill without reason cannot be reasoned with." Hiccup: "Maybe." Stoick: "Hiccup..." Hiccup: "I'm still going to try. This is what I'm good at. And if I could change your mind... I can change his, too." Hiccup: (To Toothless) "Come on." Astrid climbs Stormfly. Astrid: "Let's go." Stoick: "NO! Lead the others back to Berk. I've had enough mutiny for one day." Ruffnut is lying on the deck, admiring Eret who is still pinned beneath Grump. Ruffnut: (To Eret) "Ooh, I like that." Stoick: "Ruffnut!" Ruffnut: "Ugh! Okay!" Ruffnut plants an indirect kiss on Eret, who is completely disgusted.


Y/n: 'You think we should, uh... help him?' Juno: "Nope.' Midnight: 'He's a big boy, let him fend for himself.'

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