ricks representation is... questionable at best (part 1)

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hi, hello! so before we start i'm going to just give... idk topics that are mentioned and then list what i will be talking about.


- racism
- homophobia (i think it's only mentioned briefly)
- sexism
- internalised misogyny (i guess that leads to sexism?? but i'm trying to make my mind clear)

NOTE: i'm snarky. i like insulting shit when i'm on a rant. i appologise.

LIST OF THINGS I MENTION (hopefully, there might be a part two):

- east asian representation [oh what a falliure this was]
- hazel [girl meets world, and coincidentally adjusts way too easily]
- piper and her native american representation [or severe lack of]

CHAPTER ONE: east asian representation [oh what a failure this was]

SO, HELLO. ro is back bitches. and she's got a fuck-tonne of sass and pure rage for this shit that's about to be talked about. now, as a person of mixed race with some east asian (chinese to be specific) i feel like i can sort of talk about this. though, i will just state that really- i can only speak for myself and my thoughts on this. i am not a spokes person for all mixed race kids, or kids with chinese descent. and to mention for everything that i will be talking about, some of the things i do not thing i have the proper place to talk about with just my view, so i brought two of my lovely friends (-melaniiie and coolkiidz-) to help me with some things (though me and kath tend to go off more in the other parts but we all go off here dw you're seeing prime angry bitch squad moments.

so, back to my shit i was talking about. now, as i list off the top of my head i can think of maybe four east asian characters: frank zhang (we'll get back to his 'white' name later), ethan nakamura, drew tanaka (we'll be getting back to her too dw and frank's grandma (because i'm not sure if she was given a name). obviously there are others but these people get speaking roles... so yes. here we go.

now, i thought i'd start with drew because i'm in love with her. and also because there's a lot to unpack.

so. drew. literally 2-d personality. in brief words of canon, the only word that comes to mind (actually, several) is: bitchy, girly and a mean girl (maybe bitch and mean girl are the same thing but three's are catchy).

there is an east asian stereotype in media that speaks of them being as bitchy. whether accidental or intentional, i think it's terrible that rick put the this on drew. the fact that he pushed this stereotype which is so engrained within western media of east asians is terrible. and the fact that she didn't get a redemption arc as well ?? it seems sus.

but besides this, there's more with drew. whilst she still is a very two-dimensional character, she canonically is seen as 'desperate' in some sense. she is seen basically clinging onto jason the minute she sees him, being invasive and flirting with him when he clearly doesn't respond to her hints. whilst this is a flaw on her character, i want to remind you of the sexualisation and fetishisation of east asians. i want to remind you that western media has sexualised east asian women, made them into sex symbols and taken traditional clothing and made it 'sexy'. it's not a new thing. in 2019, little mix partnered with pretty little thing and their culturally appropriated chinese culture.

and that's not the worst thing. it really fucking isn't.

in march 2021, 8 were dead in an atlanta spa. the culprit shooting these people to stop his 'sexual addiction' to asian women and to stop the 'temptation'.

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