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i am now few years older. i visit her grave day by day. i lean my tired and dirty head on it and tell her about my day and ask her about hers and imagine her telling me what she had to eat and who she spoke too. i listened to her and found someone new, i found this guy. his name is magnus and i think i like him. i didn't think i was..gay. but i cant face dating another woman. it would hurt me too much. snd i think she respects it and likes him. my marriage rune lights up a little snd i feel the sun poke out whenever he's around. he does remind me of her, how she will never loose an argument but it's all happy memories floating back in a circle and in the end you have got to accept what happens and move on. no matter how hard that is, feels and takes, that's what they'd want you to do and that's what you've got to do.

hello! im so so sorry for cutting this story short, i mean it's not too short but i just ran out of things to tell. however i think i have left it on a suitable and good note and a sad note! :(( rip jadene. i am sorry if i made anyone cry but i did, it was so sad writing them two departing. i love you and thankyou so so much for all the support and love in this chapter i hope you continue to read more stories and your welcome to check out some of mine or leave any suggestions for maybe a part 2 of this sequel?? anyway thankyou again i love you and goodbye. for now ;)
thannyou for reading my story.

please comment here and tell me what story you want next or if you want a new one or even if you want a part 2.
comment here please :)

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