Jeff cries

674 31 21

You opened the door to see your best friend Liu ... Thinking about it he never told you your last name, smiling you hug Liu letting him in Liu. "Hey, what are you doing here this late?" He hugs back smiling "I was checking up on you a family of four was killed" your eyes widened realising it was Jeff you pause for a moment remembering jeff had a brother Liu woods was his name "woods?" Liu gasps he eyes going wide mouth open for a moment before he recomposes himself "hm well since its late can I stay The night?" His smiles so beautiful you are about to say yes when a loud bang sounds from up stairs "shit um yeah you can stay, I do have another guest so um wait down here?" I quickly rush off up stairs "jeff you okay?" Hearing a groan of pain you go to open the bathroom door to get the shock of your life a naked jeff with a towel wrapped just under his waist "oh hey~(insert readers name)" you unable to talk blush bright red "um hey.... Let me get your clothes" running off to the laundry you grab Jeff's clothes out of the drier handing them to him "thanks" he says taking his clothes making the action of removing the towel freezing as you realise what he is doing, running out the the bathroom closing the door leaning on it. "I will wait outside also how did you know my name?" There is a moments silence before he replies "you could have stayed" you can almost hear the smirk in his voice "and I just do" he add answering your question "nearly done Jeff?" There is only a grunt before the door is open and you fall to the floor but you don't hit the floor opening your eyes you see jeff has caught you blushing you thank him getting up you move to head back downstairs not before saying "Jeff please stay in my room for I have a guest and I rather them not know I am housing a murder" sighing you return to Liu as jeff sulkily walk to my room "sorry about that I'm looking after the neighbours cat" you lie sitting next to Liu on your couch. Liu just nods smiling "I'm going to go to bed now (your/name)" nodding as you both get up "you remember how to get there?" He nods as we walk to the spare room you freeze shock to see Jeff standing outside my door you look to Liu he seems frightened and frozen, Jeff noticing you turns your wayway eyes looking over you before glancing at Liu shock fear horror and an emotion you cannot name sadness? No can't be Jeff quickly vanishes into your room locking the door sighs turning to Liu "um yeah" liu looks back shaking his head "um sorry but I just remembered Sarah wants me home so I have to go bye~" sighing "bye liu" knocking on the door calling for Jeff to open it after ten knocks he did, not looking at you when you walk in he walk to the corner sitting down and curling up. You lay on your bed sighing "night jeff" with no reply you close your eyes waiting for sleep to claim you but it doesn't a faint sound distracting you opening your eyes looking over a jeff he is crying rushing to him "Jeff what's wrong?" Silence.

(Should I do it it  first person (I. Me. Mine. My) or second/ third (you, your, you're, yours, ours))

Romantical rain?(jeff the killerxreader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें