Chapter 2

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  It has been a few months since I started college and y/n and I had become very close. She had even convinced me to go to two party's, TWO. And this weekend it was Manny's birthday party and we all got to bring one friend, so I decided to bring Y/N.

Y/n had met Hayley and Mom before but she hasn't met the rest of them.

Y/N thankfully said yes and decided to drive down and stay with me the night before. When we got there we were greeted with my dad.

"Hello Alex! Who's your friend?" "Hi dad, this is y/n, she's my room mate." "Oh ok well welcome to the Dunphy house!" he said happily. She smiled and thanked him before following me upstairs. By the time we got up it was around half eight so we both got into our pajamas and went downstairs.

"Hello Alex sweetie, y/nnnnnnn" said Mom giving us both a big hug. I mouthed sorry to y/n but she seemed fine. "Wine" Hayley whispered to me as she walked past.

"Hello Alex, who is you're hot friend?" Luke asked as we made food. "Luke!" I shouted. "No it's ok, he's just a little boy" Y/N said in a baby voice. I stifled a laugh. "Hey, I'm nearly 18!" he said irritated. "Luke don't shout at our guest" Mom said serving dinner for y/n and I. "Thanks Mrs Dunphy" y/n said sitting down. "Please, call me Claire."

After we ate dinner we said goodnight and went upstairs. "Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked. "Sure, what about f/m?" "I love that movie!" I said a little too loud. "Losers" Luke said walking by. "Shut up" I shouted.

When the movie was over it looked like y/n was already asleep so I quietly turned off the light and creeped back into the bed. "Good night y/n" I whispered to her and went to sleep.


"Goodnight Alex" I whispered back.

Word Count : 344
Hope you like it, bye x

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