"Then you figure it out."

"I will decapit-"

"We're here." The driver spoke. Alex got out of the SUV and walked to my side of the door and opened it, then opened his hand for me to take it.

"Thank you," I mumbled and took his hand. The driver closed the door as we began walking, hand in hand, to the restaurant.

"Hello, Mr. Carter." I greeted and shook his hand then took a seat next to Alex on the large ass, fancy dinner table.

"Hi, again, Ms. Smith," He shook back my hand and took a seat on the opposite side of the table. "Alex."

"Father." Alex didn't shake his hand or anything. Completely ignored him I guess.

"Ahem, this is to celebrate your engagement!" His father smiled.

"Yes, to the, uhh, engagement..." I awkwardly smiled. "But, Mr. Carter, why do you want us to get married? —Especially at this early age?"

"You seem like the perfect fit for Alex. You don't seem snobby or whorish like those girls who obsess over Alex, knowing the amount of money your father has." He chuckled.

"I appreciate the compliment, but why right away?"

"I'm not sure Alex would be exactly "happy" if he saw you with another man. So, it's a benefit for the both of you. He has a temper like his mother."

"Don't bring her up," Alex scowled.

"Alex doesn't need me nor does he care who I'm wi- well, he might have a problem with it but that doesn't mean he wants to marry me. Right, Alex?" I looked at Alex who was playing with his fingers. Everyone was looking at him, waiting for a response.

"I've got to use the bathroom." And with that, he just got up and walked away.

"Excuse me." I got up and quickly followed him into the men's bathroom and locked the door.

"Alex, why can't you answer that question!?"

"I can't." He simply responded with his hands in his pockets.

"And why can't you!?"

"I just can't, Dominique."

"You're probably not even thinking twice about your answer! Just say it! Tell me! Do you want to stay engaged or not!?"

"I do."

"See, I knew you'd say n– wait what?" Let me take a few seconds to process his words.

"I said, I do."

"Alex..." I took a sharp, deep breath.

"That's the only answer I can give you right now." He responded, looking at the floor.

Now everything got super confusing.

"Alex, you really want to stay engaged? I'm being dead serious right now."

"No, I'm making a joke." He replied sarcastically.

Bad Boy, Bad GirlWhere stories live. Discover now