Chapter 17

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⚠️Cussing, flustered people ⚠️
"Just kidding... unless?" Aiden asked with an eyebrow raised and a laugh.

"Why not? We are both dudes, we have the same stuff. It can't be that weird. Also, I want cuddles as soon as possible." Jack replied as he got up and grabbed his own sweatpants and an oversized hoodie.

"Wait really?" It was now Aiden's turn to be shocked.

He didn't expect Jack to actually agree to his joke but he also wasn't against it either.

"Sure." Jack shrugged as he walked into the bathroom.

"I-okay," Aiden said as he shook his head and walked into the bathroom with Jack.

Jack turned the shower on as Aiden turned on the fan before pulling down two towels for them.

Jack stuck his hand under the water to check the temperature and quickly pulled it out before turning it a little colder considering it was boiling hot.

They both stripped and got into the shower, Jack under the water first as Aiden read the shampoo bottle finding it very fascinating at the moment.

"I can get out if you're uncomfortable," Jack said as he took the shampoo from Aiden's hand.

"I'm not uncomfortable," Aiden said as he looked Jack in his beautiful eyes.

"Okay but if you are then just tell me," Jack replied as he started to put the shampoo into his hair.

Aiden nodded.

"Could you do my back?" Jack asked as he handed the teal Lofa to Aiden as he turned around.

"Sure," Aiden replied as he moved the Lofa down from Jack's shoulders to his lower back.

He then handed the Lofa back to Jack.

Both boys had blushes on their faces but tried their best to not make anything awkward.

"Thank you." Jack thanked before pecking Aiden's jaw and washing off his body soap and conditioner.

The two rotated places as Aiden started to wash his hair with conditioner before putting the body wash on considering he didn't use shampoo.

While he did that Jack started his face wash.

By the time Aiden was done they switched places again so Jack could wash the soap off of his face only to slip and start to fall backwards.

Lucky for him Aiden caught him and helped him stand back up.

"Thanks." Jack giggled before washing his face off and turning back to face Aiden, the water running down his back.

He then without warning hugged the taller male.

"Are you okay?" Aiden asked as he wrapped his arms around Jack's shoulders, Jack's arms around his torso.

"Mhm." Jack hummed back as he buried his head into Aiden's still-wet chest.

"Okay well, how about we do this once we are out of the shower and clothed?" Aiden suggested as he reached around Jack and turned the water.

"M'kay." Jack agreed as he opened the curtain and got out, grabbing his towel and wrapping it around his waist.

"Shit, it's cold." He hissed as his foot hit the cold tile floor.

"Agreed," Aiden said as he dried off quickly before putting on his boxers and sweatpants.

"I'll be on the bed pulling up Spotify on the TV." He said before kissing Jack's soaking-wet hair and leaving the bathroom.

Jack quickly dried his body and put on his boxers, sweatpants, and large hoodie before putting a towel on top of his head and walking out of the room.

He then sat infront of Aiden and leaned against his chest.

"Do you want me to dry your hair?" Aiden asked as he gave Jack the remote.

"Yes please." Jack replied as he turned on his "Idk good songs" Playlist.

"Okay," Aiden said before pulling the towel up some and drying Jack's hair.

He was very gentle but still did the job and after a minute Jack's hair was completely dry.

He took the towel off of Jack's head and threw it back into the bathroom, it landed in the sink.

"Why did you stop?" Jack asked before he could stop himself.

"Because your hair is dry now." Aiden chuckled as Jack blushed in embarrassment.

Aiden then moved them so they were lying down under the covers and big spooned Jack.

"Maybe you're not as much of a bottom as I thought." Jack joked making Aiden roll his eyes.

"I'm not a bottom at all," Aiden grumbled as he let go of Jack and sat up.

"Wait no I wanna cuddle!" Jack said as he moved and wrapped his arms around Aiden's torso, his head resting on Aiden's lap.

Suddenly "DAYWALKER" by CORPSE started to play on the TV startling Aiden.

"What the fuck is this?" He asked, he didn't sound weirded out, he sounded curious.

"It's Daywalker by Corpse. He is a rapper and a gamer, he hasn't shown his face but there is a lot of fanart of him." Jack replied as he grabbed the remote and turned the volume down considering they were supposed to be asleep.

"That's cool, so he is like Dream?" Aiden asked thinking he remembered the YouTuber's name correctly.

"Yep! But he is a lot more... kinky with his music." Jack said after thinking for a second about how to explain the music.

"Sounds interesting." Aiden laughed before listening to the words of the song.

Jack rapped along to the fast part in a whisper because he couldn't get his voice as low as Corpse's voice.

"Can you lay back down so we can properly cuddle now? Please?" Jack asked as he gave Aiden puppy dog eyes.

"Will you admit that I'm not a bottom?" Aiden asked back as he looked down at Jack.

He pushed aside any and all thoughts he thought of as he saw Jack lying with his head on his lap.

"I don't know... You still give off bottom vibes to me." Jack said with a shrug as he sat up only to be pinned down to the bed.

"I don't know how to prove to you that I'm a top and by now I don't really care but you should probably get your vibes checked because they are very, very wrong," Aiden said as he hovered above Jack.

"You can prove it to me by a kiss," Jack suggested having Aiden raise a brow at him.

"A kiss?" Aiden asked as he leaned closer to Jack, his eyes moving between Jack's lips and eyes.

"A kiss," Jack confirmed as he looked down at Aiden's lips...
1,079 Words! If you wanna listen to the Playlist from this chapter here it is...

(Idk if that will work^)

Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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