“Thank you,” I said, quietly. I gave them a small smile. “But I have to go learn the script for my next scene after lunch. Excuse me…”

I made my way back to my trailer, their sympathetic and commending whispers following me all the way back.

I sat in front of my dressing table mirror, and stared at my reflection. It had been a three months month since I’d left Daniel, with the promise that I would return. I was twenty, now, and Daniel would be nineteen. I hadn’t talked to him, or met with him, after that…that day. I brushed a finger over the deep, permanent circles under my eyes. I looked ill.

There was a knock at my door. With a sigh, I got to my feet, and opened the door. An almost sincere smile lit up my face.

“Tyler! What’re you doing here?” I asked, pulling him into a quick hug. “I haven’t seen you in ages? What you been up to?”

He smiled at me. It felt nice, having a proper friend who knew the big ‘secret’ – that I wasn’t a guy. “Not much. I’m just trying to get a band started.”

“How’s that going?”

“I’m trying to find a drummer. Do you know anyone?” he asked, semi-jokingly.

“Uh…not really. Sorry, Tyler. Or should I call you Ty? I mean, everyone calls you Ty now…”

“Tyler’s fine,” he said, smiling. “The whole ‘Ty’ thing was basically because I wanted a change…or so my agent thought…”


We smiled at each other, and there was an awkward silence. Then Tyler smiled, and moved.

“I actually have something for you…” he said, his hand reaching into his pocket. He pulled it out. It was the black Tiffany’s box he’d tried to give to me, a long time ago. I cracked a real smile, then, reliving the memories. I’d gone into his room, because he’d promised to give me “guy” lessons. Then he’d shoved a box into my hand. The fire happened, and Daniel just happened to come in, when we were both rolling on the ground.


My smile faded.

Tyler was still taking.

“It’s for the movie,” he said, quickly. “You know, congratulations on the movie. It means nothing else, okay? I just want you to have it.”

He gave me a hopeful look that broke my heart.

“I’m sorry, Tyler,” I said, with a sigh. “I don’t think it means the same thing for both of us…The one I like is Daniel. That’s never going to change. I’m sorry.”

The shine in his eyes faded away, as he pocketed the box again.

“If you loved him, why aren’t you with him?” he asked, bitterly. “Why aren’t you with Daniel right now? Why are you here, on set, making some movie?”

“Look, Tyler…You wouldn’t understand…”

“Erica,” he said, with a smile. “I think I might understand a lot better than you think.”

His words make my chest ache.

“I’m sorry, Ty…”


Two months later



“Daniel! Open up, Daniel!”

“Go away!” I yelled, pulling the covers over my head. “Leave me alone!”

“Daniel, this is your roommate! You have to get up now! It’s time for class!”

I rolled over in my bed, and stared at my alarm clock blearily. Class. Oh, God. I scrambled out of bed, pulling my jeans on, and a t-shirt. I checked in the mirror. Damn it, I look awful. Whatever, it’s not like I have to look good. I was just an Art student now. No need to dress up.

I try not to think about Erica, but it’s hard. The ring in my pocket reminded me, every second of the day. But I didn’t blame her. She had the right to be whoever she wanted to be… It just meant that whenever she appeared for an onscreen interview, I would switch channels. If she was in a magazine, I wouldn’t read it. It probably wasn’t healthy, avoiding everything like this, but…

If I didn’t…I would break down completely.

I ran into the kitchen, grabbing a banana from the fruit bowl. I was about to leave, when Juliet stopped me.

“Wait, Daniel,” she said in the thick French accent I was just now getting used to. She grabbed my hand. She pushed down some of the more messy strands of my hair, and stood back to admire her artwork. “Better.”

“Thanks,” I said, smiling.

“You have mail.” Juliet passed me a letter. I caught it, and stared down at the carefully engraved gold lettering on the envelope. Slowly, I opened it, and pulled out the thin card.

Miss Erica Miller cordially invites you to the Grand Premier

Underneath, there was a long address and times. I shook the envelope, and another slip of card fell out. I picked it up. A plane ticket, to L.A.


Author's Note: Wow, just read the comments for the last chappie... and aren't all of you guys violent? Wow. I didn't know I could generate so much hatred...

Don't be mad at Erica...she's been trying to get this job for years. And she did say she would return to him, in the note. So please don't hate her, and leave scary messages like, "I'm going to track that b**** down, stab her through the heart, and eat her head", because that's really quite creepy...

There's about two chapters left, before the ending :)


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