Two: Daddy did I overreact?

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Heya lovelies,

Firstly sorry for the very long wait but life kinda happened and I got busy. Very very sorry...

Other than that thank you so much guys for the supportive feedback and 1k reads like omg tysm.

I love you all and so here's...

Two: Daddy did I overreact?

Someone once said that promises are meant to be broken, so maybe it's okay if they are forgotten. Nonetheless, nothing can ease the hurt we feel when a promise is not kept. In my case it hurts even more because this wasn't just any promise, it was a promise that gave me hope and a sense of security that I was not alone. I never expected Micah to forget it but then again its my fault because we all know that expectations always lead to disappointments.

But then isn't he my best friend? Isn't he the same Mikey who has been there with me through all thick and thin?

How am I to accept the fact that he forgot something so important? Something that makes our bond stronger and a little more special than the others.

I for one can't accept this, that Micah, the guy who was ready to give up the lead role in the school play to play the role of a tree with me, the guy who listened to all my rants without a word and most importantly the guy who gave me company be it even in watching princess diaries, forgot our promise.

It hurts to think that way. My eyes sting as the memories of the day we made the promise flash back but I forcefully push them away. I don't want to cry, I don't want to give in.

There's a part of me that hates him for giving the bet more importance than our promise but then there's another part which wants to forgive him as we did fulfil the promise after all. Sure enough it wasn't the main motive but I guess I should give him a little slack.

Everything is getting so jumbled up in my mind and the sudden hollowness in my heart is just intensifying. I need to think all this through and come to a conclusion for my inner battle and I know exactly where to go for that. I'm sure Micah knows where I'm headed but I hope he doesn't turn up there, just yet. I don't want him to mess with me now. I need some space before talking or I'm sure we'll land up causing more harm.

There's surely a reason for the emergence of this small gap between us and I guess I know why...

Lost in all my confusing thoughts I did not realise the red light and crossed it almost crashing into another car. Almost being the keyword as the loud honk alerted me just in time. I pressed the breaks almost immediately and my car stopped with a jerk leaving us maybe just a centimetre away from the other car. With shivering hands and heavy breaths I apologised profusely to the furious man with my head hung low in shame. After hearing quite some colourful words by the man and other pedestrians, the stinging sensation in my eyes has increased but I so don't want to give in. Getting done with the big scene I created I drive now completely alert and finally reach my destination safely.

I open the rusty gates and cringe on the screeching sound it makes. I guess Mike is right, I will never get used to this noise. I almost smile at the thought, though reality strikes and I realise that I am angry at him. Ugh focus Adeeva focus. You are angry at him, yeah you're angry.

I walk on the same old path and reach the place that I had just visited a few hours back. I am at my dad's gravestone.

I first set the lilies I brought in the morning back to their place, just the way I like it. What can I do? I am a perfectionist after all.

"This wind I tell you dad, always moves your favourite flowers away from you."

All the thoughts I had pushed aside begin to resurface again and the one that hurts the most is that maybe the promise didn't mean anything to him.

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