Tagged by VexDiznee (Again)

69 5 19

My dear friends, I am running out of ImAgInAtIvE ways of answering these questions. (Especially since they are mostly repeated)

1. Do you like someone?

"Nope," I said, popping the p.

2. Do they like you back?

"I knew this would be next, and did you read number 1?" I asked, perplexed.

3. Single or taken?

"Single," I sang

4. What's your eye colour?

"This new colour I call Wacky Brown" I insisted, while thinking of new words. 

5. First Fandom?

Officially? KOTLC. Unofficially? I don't know. I was shipping couples and fangirling before I knew what it meant.

6. Favourite OTP

Sokeefe! (also secretly Jake x Izzy from JNLP)

7. Battery percentage?


8. Favourite song?

"La Primavera from the Four Seasons, especially the 1st and 3rd movements" she said, while listening to the song in question.

9. What's your nickname

Depends. People call me all sorts of thingies

10. What's your lock screen?

 What's your lock screen?

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