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Ahmads pov
"Ina wuni" i said as i greeted fatimas mom with fatima sleeping in my arms

" is everything alright"mom asked

" yeah,she just slept off" i said

" okay take her to her room" mom said

"Okay" i said as i went upstairs and dropped fatima on her bed as she held my hand

" hey, what are u doing" i said

" let go of me" i said as I removed Fatima hand from mine and left her sleeping. As i went back downstairs

" She ate too much right" mom said as i was surprised

" yeah, how do u know" i said

"She always acts drunk and sleeps after eating too much" mom said

"Oh, i will take my live now" as i stood up when i heard fatima screamed from upstairs as i ran upstairs and saw her sweating on her bed as i shook her to wake up as she woke up she hugged me saying " no leave me"

" Fatima calm down everything is okay am here" i said

" no, he is here he will harm me" she said crying

" no he won't nobody will harm u am here" i said as she calmed down after some minutes

" Thank u for being here for her" her mom said

" oh it's nothin" i said as i layed her on her bed and left

What does this mean because even am confused does Fatima like Ahmad, or does Ahmad like fatima find out in the next chapter pls don't forget to vote and comment
Unknown 🌹

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