Into another Universe!

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Two Years before the recall.....

Winston had been in watchpoint gibraltar working on his new tech but he was getting now where with it. He made so many version and made so many tech that he's lab is full of junk. So here he was testing the newest version.

Winston: "Okay now if I fix the out put by 29%, make sure it's stable and it display around it should work now."

As Winston finished his touch up and actives the new toy. As it starts up it looks like it working and Winston is happy. As what looks like a barrier starts to form it sparked and soon it blasted around. Winston back up a bit and watch as it sparked and then it soon began to be air born. As the small object began bouncing around it started to crash into all sorts of things around Winston lab. Winstone hit the ground as fast as he could to not be nailed by his new toy. It soon crashed into chemicals and some blood samples soon it crashed into a pile of old prototypes. Winston looked and thought it was over till it sparked again and all the old prototypes began to come alive. Winston got scared and thought it be best to get out of here.

Else where.......

Y/n was home playing his game and he was chilling in his house. It was Monday and the young 24 year old was having his me time. As it was raining out side pretty heave and thunder could soon be heard.

Y/n:"Jesus who pissed off mother nature."

Y/n was playing one of his favorite games Apex Legends as Y/n and his friends via on line had just won their 3 win, his friends left for one reason or another. Seeing he was alone he thought of playing some Overwatch. Sure it's was a dying game but he still liked it and had a bit of fun. Soon as he was closing Apex and opening Overwatch he stood up to grab to cup of water next to his system. Just as he reached it by mistake knocks watch on the system and quickly tries to get the cup up. The system began to bug out and show Apex and Overwatch flickering back and fourth.

Y/n:"Shit! No no no no no no no no no. Y/n you fucking idiot."

Then a lighting bolt with a one in a trillion chance struck Y/n from his window how you ask? Who the fuck knows. After the bolt stuck him he was gone so was his system only thing left was the scorched mark.

Back to Winston........

Winston watched with fear and thought everything was about to blow. As he was heading towards the door the prototypes soon all began to break and fuse and soon made a portal. Winston watched in amazement and wondered what is going on. He came close to the portal and as he got close something like a small shadow was shown. Soon it started to get bigger and bigger and soon he moved out the way as something came flying out the portal. Whatever came flying out crashed into the desk and broke it on impact. Winston looked to the portal and saw it spark one last time and break apart. 

He looked to the now broken portal and other junk fried beyond repair.

Y/n:" head..."

Winston looked behind him and saw a person move the broken table of him. It was a man and Winston slowly went up to him.

Winston:"Are you okay?"

Y/n:"Yeah I'm good thanks for a....Who the hell?"

Y/n quickly looked up and was face to face with Winston.


Y/n took a step back in fear and fell. On the floor he backed up till he hit a wall. Winston tried to assure the man that he was not in any danger.

Winston:"Please relax I'm not going to hurt you."

Y/n then got a good look and shock soon plastered his face.

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