Jim threw the rope angrily, "look don't you get it!" He jumped down facing silver and Y/N.

Y/N jumped back a little due to the sudden movement.

"I screwed up! I'm here for two seconds, and I thought that maybe I- could do something right" he cried tiredly before walking off again
"Aagh! I just- forget it. Forget it" he mumbled running his hand threw his hair.

"No" Y/N said strictly as she shook her head. "Don't do that, don't brush it off" Jim still sulked.
"Mr Arrow was a bulky guy, literally made of rocks.  Kind of surprised it didn't happen sooner-"

"You don't need to make excuses for me." He snapped. "I. screwed. up."

"No. You. Didn't" Y/N crossly crossed her arms.

Silver grabbed on his shoulder and pulled Jim around to face him. Y/N let go of him and stood beside silver.
"Now you listen to me James Hawkins! You to Y/N, You got the makings of greatness in yer, both of yer do, But you got to take the helm and chart your own course"

Jim listened to him with tears fighting to come out and Y/N Just smile fondly, looking between Jim and Silver.

"Stick to it! No matter the squalls, and when the time comes, you get the chance to really gets the sails and show what your made of, Well, I hope I'm there catching some of the light com'n off yous that day" silver closed his eyes imaging the scene.pretending to soak in the imaginary light.

Jim was obviously touched by his words and leaned his head into his stomach, sniffling. And suddenly.  Y/N felt out of place, not that she wasn't happy for him, but she didn't know If she should leave or just continue to stand There.

Silver hesitantly pat Jim on the back, also reaching out his hand to place it upon Y/Ns shoulder firmly.
"Ahh that's alright, Jimbo, lassie" he said as he held them both.
"It's alright.."

"Now, kiddos I uh, I best be getting about my watch" he said pushing Jim off and taking the hand off Y/N.
"And yous best be getting some shut eye!" He pushed Y/N away towards where the hammocks were, Y/N rolled her eyes playfully at him.

She was about to walk down but realised Jim wasn't T her side, she turned back to them.
"Are you coming?" She asked him.

"Uh, yeah-"

"Hang on Jimbo, I hav' more I need to say to you" Silver interrupted him, placing a rough hand on his shoulder.

"Oki doke." Y/N said cheerfully, making Jim scoff a laugh before she turned back around and walked down.

Once she was out of sight Jim turned to Silver. "What."

"Don' give me tha' attitude" Silver scolded, mockingly pointing his finger.
"So, what's the updates on you and lassie?"

Jim just looked at him before Morph laughed and snuggled into his face As Y/N, Jim grunted, shaking him off with a glare. "Knock it off."

"You don't know what you're on about" Jim replied to Silver, still waving morph off.

"Oh drop it." Silver rolled his eyes with the wave of his hand. "Those sneaky glances you give her don't go past me!"

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