It's Okay To Be Alone

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I don't know who needs to hear this but...
It's okay to be alone.

There are times when we need to be with ourselves to fully understand our worth, purpose, and goals in life.
People sometimes think that if you are alone, you are lonely, a loner, someone odd that couldn't fit in.
But there's beauty on being alone
You get to think, meditate, and understand yourself better.
You get to be your own best friend for that period of time.
That's why we need to break the stereotype that those who enjoy being alone are lonely.

Having your alone time actually helps your mental health.
It helps you re-evaluate yourself and the things you did for the past weeks
After all, isn't it best to just be alone
Than be with people who makes you feel alone ?
You're with them, but it seems they are not with you.
Isn't it best to be alone and regain those wasted enery you have drained by being in a crowded place, loud people, and toxic atmosphere ?
So yes, if it makes you happy to be alone
Then be alone.
If it makes your heart feel free
Then be alone.

You don't have to apologize for being alone
Because you don't owe them anything
Because being alone doesn't have to be associated with loneliness
The capacity of being alone is a gift to yourself that only you can appreciate.
So take your time.
And when you are finally ready to rejoin the company of others.
Just know that there are people who still care and love you. Above all, there is you.

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