Chapter 3 (name of the half elf)

Começar do início

Subaru tried to convince them about insignia. He wanted to take it and give it to it's owner but it was useless. Soon someone knocked at door.

Subaru: don't open the door! We will get killed!

But felt still opened the door.

???: What? I wouldn't do something so terrifying.

Half elf came in and summoned icicles.

???: Now return my insignia.

Y/n: hey girl calm down, better look behind you.

Girl looked behind and there was nothing. When she looked forward. Subaru Subaru screamed "puck shield!"

Puck came out from Emilia's back pack and summoned shield which blocked Elsa's strike.

Subaru: can you protect her y/n?

Y/n: why?

Subaru: what if she dies?

Y/n: that's not my problem and no, I wouldn't.

Subaru: you are heartless and you know it right?

Y/n: yeah I know. She is code anyway.

Subaru: code?

Y/n: nevermind.

Then they started little fight which I was observing. Fight lasted long enough. spirit underestimated Elsa and he disappeared. Subaru gave felt time to run. when Elsa tried to attack Subaru I threw something.
Y/n: flashbang!

When flashbang exploded everyone got blinded by it even Elsa. After seconds Subaru opened his eyes and saw that Elsa didn't had left arm. Elsa got curious. He didn't saw anyone who cut his left hand. Elsa threw her thoughts away and took another knife with her right hand. she was about to strike Subaru with her knife Reinhard stopped her.

After that fight was between Reinhard and Elsa. Emilia was healing old man Rom and Subaru was next to Emilia When Emilia ended her healing Rom, Subaru told Reinhard to do his thing. And of course I was watching everything like always.

When Reinhard did his technique with sword he destroyed half of the loot house. Elsa was under the parts of building. I was laughing my ass off at the technique when he destroyed half of the loot house.

20 seconds passed, after that Elsa stood up and rushed towards Emilia.

Reinhard: watch out!

Subaru rushed at Emilia and pushed Emilia again to save her. Elsa got disappointed and ran away.

Emilia: are you alright? That was too reckless

Subaru: oh it was no problem. I sure took the long road, but I finally reached this point.

Subaru posed and said.

Subaru: my name is Natsuki Subaru and I just saved your life from a heinous villain! are we okay with that?

Emilia: okay?

Subaru: I your rescuer, saved your life. and you are the heroine I saved. So wouldn't that mean you should repay me in kind? Wouldn't it?

Emilia: all right, I get it. Only if it's withing my power, of course

Y/n: that wasn't necessary...

Subaru: in that case I have only 1 request. Yes, my request is...

He snapped finger and said.

Subaru: tell me your name.

Y/n: *whispers in Subaru's ear* her name is Emilia.

Subaru: what?

Emilia chuckled and said.

Emilia: Emilia

Subaru: huh? (How)

Emilia: my name is Emilia, just Emilia. Thanks you, Subaru. for saving me.

After that Subaru realized something. He still got hit in the stomach by knife. His cut opened in stomach and he fell down. soon he was unconscious

Y/n: *invisible* ah shit.

Reinhard: where's another one?

Emilia: I don't know.

Reinhard: what should we do to him? I would be glad to Take him home as a guest.

Emilia: no I'll take him home with me. That way I can learn what's really going on.

Emilia turned at felt, approached her and said to her.

Emilia: is this old man one of your family?

Felt: something like that. He's the only one I have.

Emilia: I see, I only have 1 family member too, but he always asleep at most important moments.

Felt:I thought you'd be alot harsher to me.

Emilia: I'm sorry.

Felt: you saved my life and I can't let a debt go unpaid.

Felt tried to return insignia to Emilia but when Reinhard saw that insignia was reacting at felts hand, he run at felt and took his arm.

Y/n: *invisible* oh shit.

Reinhard asked felt her name and family name. Felt answered that she didn't had something fancy like family names, only felt. Reinhard asked her year. She answered that she was 15.

Felt wanted Reinhard to let her go but Reinhard didn't. Reinhard told Emilia "I must take her with me". Emilia asked "was that because of stealing insignia?". Reinhard answered "that is indeed not a small crime. But next to the gravity of overlooking the crime unfolding before me, is trivial"

Reinhard absorbed felts mana and he took her in the hands. Felt was unconscious.

Reinhard: see you soon Emilia-sama

Reinhard Took felt and walked away.

Some time passed when Subaru opened his eyes. He looked around and realized that he was sleeping on the bed in the big room.

Y/n: *from distance* another place for entertainment, hehee boy.

A/n: (sorry everyone, as I said I don't have good memory and I don't know how to write Fighting scenes.)

Re:Glitch Chaos Induced In Another World. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora