♡ part four ♡

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"y/n! ive been looking for you-" your father began, bursting into the room. "charlie?"
charlie's eyes widened as you both glared at each other.

how were you meant to explain you both being gone for so long?


"mr white! i, uh - i'm glad you're here." charlie stood up and walked over to beside your father.
you hoped charlie had a plan in mind as you couldn't lie to save your life. you readjusted your hair so the love bites he left you were not visable.
your dad turned to mr barber, "how so?"
"we were just talking about your amazing country club sir," charlie exclaimed waving his hands slightly for emphasis, "y/n even offered to give me tennis lessons in exchange for some work at my theatre." he nodded at you, causing you to smile in response.

if your father agreed, that means you could see charlie all the time - and maybe even get to fly out to new york to work at his theatre.

"that's my baby, always being so helpful to others." your father embraced you in a hug, playfully ruffling the top of your head with his hand. "so, explain to me what y/n working at the theatre entails."
charlie gently swirled the glass so the wine swayed slightly, "well i mean, she's very welcome to come with me when i leave for new york next sunday. i'll be coming back to california the following wednesday - you know, to see henry and talk things over with nicole." he leant against the counter casually.

you recognised that name.

when you realised who she was, your stomach sank. your mother was a lawyer, she was handling charlie and nicole's divorce.
you had never really payed attention to the fact that he was an older man - he had experienced a whole life without you. even though you had only known him for a short time, you felt somewhat heartbroken upon hearing her name.

"i understand. well honey, what do you say?" your dad held his hands on his hips.
"huh?" you immediately escaped your negative thoughts and snapped back into reality.
"do you wanna come with me to new york?" charlie asked kindly, a hint of hope in his voice. he really wanted you by his side. there was something about you he had never seen in anyone before. maybe it was the way you carried yourself, or maybe it was the way you were spontaneous and exciting.
either way, he hoped you would say yes.

you were previously too deep in thought about charlie's ex wife that you had completely disregarded what he first said before bringing up nicole.

he wanted you to go to new york with him for a few days.

"yes of course!" you jumped out of excitement.
charlie smiled relievingly at you.

thank god, he thought to himself.

"that's fine by me," your dad walked over to you and placed his hands on your shoulders, slightly crouching down to reach your height and spoke quietly, "i'm proud of you kid. you're making me real proud that you're taking this career opportunity."
your dad's eyes began to tear up slightly at the thought of his child growing up. "go thank mr barber for his generosity." he looked away as he dried his tears.

charlie cleared his throat as you gave him the same look you had when you first met. you rushed over to him and wrapped your arms around him, "thank you mr barber!"
"no problem sweetheart." he embraced you as you rested your head on his chest.

you quickly pulled away, realising it would seem inappropriate if the hug continued any longer.

your father left to tell your mother the grand news.
charlie decided it would be good for you both to join the party again, so you did.


after some time had passed, almost everyone had left. it was around four in the morning and you were struggling to keep your eyes open.
you had crashed onto a spare couch in the smaller living room next to the country club hall which had a bookcase full of your favourites and a record player which was playing your ultraviolence by lana del rey vinyl. west coast played softly as you felt yourself drift in and out of a peaceful slumber.

"y/n honey, i'm leaving now." whispered a deep familiar voice.
you fluttered your eyes open as hand was gently placed onto your left cheek, stroking softly.
your felt your heart warm as you saw mr barber crouched in front of you, one elbow propped on his knee.
"charlie..." you smiled tiredly. he was always there at the right time.
"i'll see you on friday, be good for me and don't be bad while i'm gone, alright?" he joked.
you propped yourself up on your elbows causing charlie to place his hands on your thighs, soothingly caressing them.
"i can't make any promises." you teased back.
charlie's hands stopped as he sternly stared into your eyes, "well if you are you'll pay for it when i next get you all to myself." he stood up, held out his hands and helped you stand up too.
"i'll see you soon mr barber." you lazily threw your hands on his chest and stood on your tiptoes, kissing him softly on his lips.
"bye baby."


a few days had passed since you had last seen charlie. you kept yourself busy by going out with friends and trying not to gush about your new love interest in front of them. however, it was now friday morning and you would be seeing charlie later that night. your heart fluttered at the thought of seeing him again as flashbacks of him softly waking you up replayed in your mind.

charlie for the past few days had been struggling between taking care of henry and communicating with the team at the theatre back in new york. in his spare time he had been taking long showers and thinking of you a little too fondly.
you brought excitement into his life - something he had not felt in a long time.

that friday morning, you were sat at the table eating breakfast with your parents.
your mom had served you a few pancakes and a cup of coffee.
"i'm so excited for you and charlie, honey." she smiled as she sipped her mocha.
your cheeks flushed red, "what do you mean?".
"you're leaving on sunday with him! who knows, maybe you'll even become a famous actress while over there." she laughed.
you rolled your eyes playfully, taking a bite of a pancake.
"i bet you she will!" your dad teased, "she's got the acting talent with all the tantrums she takes when she doesn't get her way."
"oh shoosh." you placed your empty plates in the kitchen sink and grabbed your coffee, "i'm going to practice tennis."

you left the spacious kitchen and made your way into the court. tennis helped you relax and take your mind off of things.


later that night, you had decided to look extra beautiful by doing your makeup and hair exactly the way that you loved, and wearing a gorgeous red dress. it was your favorite dress, one you wore on special occasions. you paired it with chanel earrings and a matching chanel necklace, and red repetto shoes. dark red lipstick completed the look.

you looked absolutely gorgeous and you couldn't wait for charlie to see you. after all, the last time he saw you, you were wearing your tennis outfit - however he didn't seem to mind.

you looked in your bedroom full length mirror one more time before heading down to enter the cab your father had booked.

one of the many things your dad inherited from the family name was a large restaurant and bar. he was hosting the party there and a few guests would come back to the country club for an after party.


you took a deep breath before entering the cab, your mind racing with fantasies about what would happen that night...

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