♡ part one ♡

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"go inside y/n dear, you need more suncream."
your dad shouted from across the tennis field. you had finished only one match with him before the sun started shining even more. it was extremely hot for a summer's afternoon, and still sunny despite it being around eight at night.
you huffed and reluctantly left the court and entered the country club's lounge suit.

you readjusted your white mini skirt and admired yourself in the mirror. you were by no means stuck up and pretentious, however you knew you were gorgeous. today you had brushed up your eyebrows, used mascara, applied light concealer, and gave yourself a sun-kissed glow with bronzer and excessive blush. your hair was tied into two messy pigtails that fell gracefully down by your shoulders, tied neatly with white silk ribbon. not only did your mini skirt flatter your figure, but so did your white polo shirt which was tight in all the right places.

you were rich and it showed. your father was an entrepreneur, which made him extremely wealthy despite already coming from a family with old money. the country club had been a family tradition for hundreds of years when your great-great (and so on) grandfather had established it. you were brought up ballet dancing, horse riding and playing tennis. in addition to being homeschooled, you were also an only child, so life was boring at points. you longed for something, or someone, to enter your life and excite you.

through the reflection of the mirror, you noticed an unfamiliar man sitting at the bar in the lounge.
he was extremely tall, dark haired, and had beautiful brown - almost black - eyes. you thought he was so handsome.
little did you know, he also had high expectations of you. he had been checking you out while you were checking yourself out. he thought it funny that you were clearly hyping yourself up in the mirror - although he did acknowledge that if you were his he would definitely be hyping you up right now too.

you noticed the man scanning your body (he hadn't realised that you noticed), so you thought you would make a move.
you strolled over to the bar and took a seat next to the man. this didnt look suspicious on your part since the bar was pretty full anyway. your father often invited his friends and work colleagues over to the club, so it was no surprise that there were many middle-aged men sitting around the bar and lounge.

"just a water, please." you smiled at the bartender while taking a seat on the stool.
"of course y/n. wheres your father?" the bartender grinned back.
"oh you know him, he'll be playing golf or something." you tiredly laughed, gaining a chuckle from the bartender. she then handed you a glass of ice cold water which you sipped at.
the very attractive yet mysterious man was watching you this whole time.
"straight whiskey with ice." he said to the bartender, who handed him his order. he nodded as he firmly held the glass.
his voice was so dreamy. it was deeper than you thought, and it suited him so well.

"whats your name?" he said to you as he brought his glass to his mouth. you couldnt help but notice how large his hands were...
"im y/n, my father owns this club," you slightly turned position so that you were facing him, then crossed your leg over the other so that your foot was delicately grazing his leg. you felt him tense at this contact. "whats your name?"
he cleared his throat as he placed his glass down onto the counter top, "charlie barber, im a friend of your fathers. we met recently actually, he came to see one of my plays."

charlie barber.
how could you not have known? he was the current best director in the states and everyone thought highly of him. you knew of his works, you just hadnt seen what he looked like.

"mr barber, i didnt realise it was you!" you said, holding out your hand for him to shake.
charlie shook your hand, firmly squeezing it, giving you butterflies.
you thought that maybe charlie could be the someone that would excite your life.

"ive heard a lot about you, y/n." charlie began, drinking the last few drops of whiskey from his glass, "your father says your quite the sporty type." he said matter-of-factly, smirking.
you blushed, moving a pigtail over your shoulder out of nervousness. "well i do play a lot of sport, ive always wanted to try expressive arts though." you tried to make conversation but you couldnt stop thinking about how attractive charlie was... and how bad you wanted him to touch you.

"i could teach you all about it."
"what?" you were distracted by your thoughts that you thought charlie had said that with sexual undertones, but you quickly realised that he simply meant he could show you how to do expressive arts.
"oh, sorry i thought you meant something else." you tried to laugh it off however you felt stupid since charlie couldnt have meant anything else by that.

"what else would i teach you?" he laughed with you.
"i dont know." you looked down at the countertop and rested your head on one hand while using your index finger on your other hand to circle the rim of your glass.
"tell me sweetheart, im dying to know." charlie said sarcastically. the tension grew even stronger and you knew he felt it too.
"well what are you experienced with that i might not be?" you said playfully, sitting up excitedly.
as you sat up, charlie noticed your skirt rise slightly, exposing your upper thighs. all he could imagine was ripping that mini skirt off of you. he craved to see your beautiful body underneath him, and see the makeup on your pretty face ruined.

"probably a lot of stuff, y/n." he was unclear whether it would be appropriate or not to make any sexual advances on you. fuck it, he thought.
"how about i show you a few things?" charlie's dark eyes were filled with lust and you wanted him bad.

"teach me everything you know, mr barber."


a/n: this is short since its my first chapter of my first ever fic! im gonna make the other parts longer. i hope u enjoyed! <3
also my tiktok is @/hotdadloverr if u wanna follow ;) <3

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