"Rex we need you up here!" Anakins voice shouted through com link and I looked up just in time to see the Captain running out to help his General.

"Come on, Lyra, hurry up" I told myself. I spent two days without sleep building the weapon large enough to take out the whole droid army.

"General Jayko, is the weapon ready?" Cody questioned, joining me as I had just finished it.

"Yeah, let's hope this works. I need a squad of troopers who can carefully put the weapon in place" I instructed and he ran off to go gather some men. "Odd ball, you know the plan?" I asked the pilot who would be dropping the bomb into the droid army.

"Yes, sir" he replied through comlink, flying overhead.

"Everyone get down!" I called out as the order was given for Oddball to drop the bomb. They all ducked behind cover and looked up to see the entire army had been taken down in one hit.

"Good job, Lyra" Obi Wan congratulated with pride.

"We're not done yet" I reminded. "We still have to capture grievous"

"Yes, we do" he agreed. Anakin, Kenobi and I marched behind where the droids once stood and found Grievous weakly trying to make his escape.

"Leaving so soon?" Kenobi asked with sass.

"General Kenobi and your friends" he scowled. With ease he had knocked me back against a droid tank, knocking me unconscious. Fading in and out I had woken up back at the base with Kix shining a light into my eyes. I tried pushing him back and getting up but he gently set me back onto the table.

"General, I need to check you for injury's" Kix explained sternly as I sighed and let him do his job even if I hated it.

"How is she?" Rex came to get the report on my status.

"She has a concussion but should be fine soon enough if she takes her meds" he directed the last part to scold me while handing me water and a pill. I glared at him while I took it. "And because of the concussion we recommend that she does not sleep for more than two hours at a time" Kix further told his Captain.

"Alright, we will make sure of it" he nodded, leading me off toward the barracks.

"Lyra, we will be staying here until Master Plo and his men take out the blockade in space" Kenobi told me once I was sat down in the meeting area with the group of them.

"How long do we suppose that will be?" I raised question.

"Could be a few hours or a few days" Anakin told me.

"Great" I sighed.


"Everyone gear up, we leave on the shuttle in 20 minutes!" Anakin called out to all of his men. "General Jayko, how are you feeling?" He looked to me as I was practically falling asleep in the meeting room. I was still new to being a General and I hadn't been prepared for staying up all week in a battle with no sleep, the concussion didn't help either.

"I'll be fine once we get to Coruscant, I'm just a little tired" I shrugged sleepily.

"Alright well, we don't need your help for anything else so you can relax in the back with the men" Anakin gently told me, understanding how much of a toll the war can be on someone as young as me or Ahsoka.

"Thank you Anakin" I smiled before moving to get onto the shuttle.

"She is a General now Anakin, she can take care of herself" Obi Wan reminded.

"That doesn't mean she doesn't need a little reminder every once in a while. I mean have you seen that girl work, it's a battle to get her to take a break"

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