Chapter 2

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Zarah helps me get dressed and braids my hair, like they do here. She pulls my hair several times but I decide not to complain, after all, she's trying to be nice. When she's finished she grabs my hand and leads us to the dining room. It is huge, like all the walls in the castle, they are made of stone. Windows cover two of the facing walls. In the center is a long wooden table. Food I've never seen graces the table, it makes my mouth water just thinking about trying a bite.

Roan is sitting to the left of the head chair. He gets up and walks around the table to the one on the right and runs it. He gestures for me to sit down and I do so, then he returns to his seat. Zarah sits in the head chair and waves her hands. Immediately, the ones I guess are her servants, begin to fill our plates. I devour everything I see, everything is exquisite. Not much time has passed, when I have finished, rather, when I can no longer ingest anything else.

Roan and Zarah exchange amused glances, while they do take their time to eat. When they finish, Zarah gets up and starts walking out of the room. Roan does the same and offers me his hand. I take it and we walk behind Zarah. I am fascinated by all the decorations in the corridors. There are so many that it seems like a maze. I should learn this place, because I am sure that otherwise I will get lost. We finally stopped at some double wooden doors. Guards on each side of these open them. Zarah walks up front and sits on a throne at the end of the hall.

I remain standing in the center, turning on myself looking around me. It is a fairly large room, although not oversized. Here there are no candles, it is not necessary, the room is lit by the large windows on each wall. There are more windows than stone, which makes the room even more beautiful. A black carpet cuts its way from the door to the throne, from where Zarah watches me. Roan is in a smaller one on her left.

"It's very beautiful." I tell, breaking the silence in the room. Being a space with high ceilings, my voice echoes everywhere.

"This is the throne room." Zarah explains. "Now that you are a princess from Azgeda, you will have yours."

"Really?" I ask excitedly.

She smiles and nods. "But being a princess is more than sitting on a throne and wearing a crown. Out there," She points to the window. "It's very dangerous. You must learn to fight and protect yourself. Not to mention our traditions and those of the other clans. And of course trigedasleng, our language."

I get dizzy just thinking that I have to learn so much, but I'm willing to try. I will be the best princess this clan has ever had. In addition, so many activities will prevent me from thinking about my old home, the one I have left behind. "I will." I say with conviction.

"Very well then." Zarah stands up and walks towards me. "In two weeks we will have a proper coronation and your welcome to the clan. You will receive the brand."

"The brand?" I ask between curious and scared.

She touches her temples where she has those strange scars and points to those of Roan. "These are the brands that represent our clan and you must carry them too."

Swallow hard, this is not going to be as easy as I thought. "Is it going to hurt?" I ask in a whisper.

"A little." Roan tells me. " Or so John said. He received them when he was your age. I don't know, I was a baby when they were made to me, so I don't know how painful it is."

Now I'm even more afraid. "Hey, don't be scared little one." Zarah reassures me. "It will be quick, you'll see." I nod and she returns to her throne. "I have to attend to some matters, but Roan will take care of you." He smiles at me and nods. "He will teach you something basic in trig."

Roan bows his head in respect. I look at him intrigued and then at Zarah. I decide to take my princess bow and they both laugh, but they don't correct me. Roan takes my hand and leads us back to my room. On the way he shows me how to get to Zarah's quarters, in case of emergency. His is next to mine, which comforts me.

We spent the morning learning the basics of trig, like hello, thank you, please, how to introduce myself and stuff. Some servants bring us lunch and we eat with laughter and jokes. We continued the afternoon with Roan teaching me the names of the clans and some characteristics of them. Apparently Zarah is not the woman with the most power, that is the commander. He says that something called a conclave happened recently and that a new one has been chosen. He also mentioned that she may visit us, but he does not think it likely.

Zarah visits us around mid-afternoon to see how we're doing. I show her what I have learned and she congratulates me. We then headed to the dining room again to eat dinner. This time I don't devour the food, but I eat faster than the others. At the end they both accompany me to my room and put me to bed. Zarah adjusts my furs, while Roan tells me a folk tale from here.

My eyes are heavy after the exciting day. I quickly immerse myself in the mute of dreams, listening to Roan's sweet words recounting the adventures of a brave warrior.

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I wake up in the middle of the night. I dreamed that I was back in the ship and fell to the ground. I am crying and I am very scared. I hug my bear tightly, I miss my parents a lot. I start yelling Roan's name and he shows up at my door shortly after.

Roan hugs me and comforts me, until I fall asleep again. The sun's rays wake me up the next morning. Roan is still asleep. I stretch out, with my bear in my hand. I slide out of the furs, trying not to make any noise, so as not to wake Roan.

I go to the bathroom and when I get out, Roan continues to sleep. I go to my balcony and take in the incredible view. White, pure white is all that is observed. There are some touches of brown, but white always predominates. People's noises catch my attention. The castle is in the middle of a city. My room is high up, so I can't tell what they're talking about. I want to go down, I want to talk to them. I can see some children running, I want to play with them. I want to make friends, something I didn't have in the Ark.

"Watching the view, princes?" Roan's voice startles me. I jump up and cry out. Roan starts to laugh and I get angry. "Sorry, Clarke." He says pulling a tear. "I couldn't resist." I still glare at him angrily. "You want to go down, don't you?"

I nod and turn out. "Yeah, they seem like they're having fun."

"You will go out, but first it is better to wait for the coronation. That way, no one will hurt you. It would be a crime to hurt the princess of Azgeda." I know that Roan is right, but I can't wait to leave.- Come, let's get ready, my aunt must be waiting for us. Today we will start your physical training.

He shakes my hand and I take it. This is going to be a very stressful day.

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