"Yes. " i reply looking away.
I hope not.

He walks out of the room and i get up to close the door again. Do people ever close doors behind them any more or? He's been bothering me ever since he started working here two weeks ago. He thinks he's sooo hot and the ladies love him. Wrong. We all want to stab him with our overpriced stiletto heels. But whatever. Since nobody is actually showing up i suppose i can go home early.

The unfilled paperwork on my desk says otherwise. I'll just take it home i need to change and get some air.


                                 •  •  • 

"Hello Barney!!" i exclaim as my overweight cat comes rushing at my feet. I close my front door behind me and bend down to pet his cute fury head. He's my only weakness but other than him, i hate everyone.

Next to the stairs is his food bowl — it's empty.

"Aww you hungry Barns??" i say in a baby voice. He jumps up on his back legs allowing an awkward cuddle. Let me get him some food. I walk into the kitchen hearing Barney's little footsteps closely behind, i haven’t changed yet and my feet kill with every step." Hmmm" i think outloud whilst moving an outdated cereal box out the way. Ooo cheerios, my absolute favourite.

He meows impatiently making me hurry up and stop getting excited over bad cereal. There doesn't seem to be any left in the house, thats weird i swear i just bought some. That's okay i was going to go on a walk anyway, I'll get some on the way back.

"You coming baby?" i say to Barney. He just walks off into the other room. Ouch, he only wants me for food. Well he is forgiven because he's so damn cute.

I walk to the front door to take him on a walk, i never usually use a leash, he just follows me, although it's more me following him. That's gotten me into a lot of tricky situations, therefore i ordered one. Should be here in four days. For now I'll have to deal with dragging him out of stores and apologising to parents that he's pissed off. Naughty cat.

I open the door and wiggle the keys around a bit so he can hear me. Within seconds he's out the door and running down the street. Oh my god. See what i mean?

I speed up so i don't lose him round any corners, keeping up with him when he's hyper is literally cardio. He sleeps all day when im at work so now he's energetic enough to run miles. And im quite the opposite. Im still in this stupid work uniform —  will i ever quit complaining about that. No. I wont.

He stops at the end of the road casually waiting for me to catch up. Little shit. Im used to it at this point but running in a tight skirt after a little chubby cat is not only difficult, but also remotely embarrassing. He does it on purpose doesn't he. Hmmm. Not cool.

I catch up and carry him into the corner shop, putting him down by my feet. He meows excitedly, instantly running up to the little fish tank with multicoloured fish and fake coral plants.

"No baby that's not for you." i laugh. The man at the till doesn't even look half amused. Right. Let's make this quick.

⋆⋆⋆ (skip to five minutes ahead)

"Receipt?" the cashier asks boredly.

"No thank you." i smile hoping i wasn't the one who pissed him off. I probably wasn't, he looks just as miserable every time i come here.

I was putting my shopping in the shit paper bags they sell here when Barney ran out of the shop after a butterfly. What is he a fucking dog? Ugh. Im way too tired for this and he should be too hungry for this. Does he want food or not?!

I run down the road with the shopping in my hand, i don't know which way he went so i take a left — I've never been this way before.

Dammit Barney! Do you have to always run off like that? Why couldn't the leash have arrived quicker.

I reach a dead end and decide he's not here, it's when i turn back that i hear i low voice.

"Looking for something ma'am?" a man yells. He does a very slow once over of my body and smirks, starting from my tangled hair and then lingering at my shirt. Then to my legs.

Not today. Not again.

"Nope all good." i say. I try to make my voice sound strong and confident but i end up sounding desperate. He is dressed in posh clothes —  a sleek black suit. However he wears it scruffy. He also looks like he's had a few drinks.

"Let me help you Miss." he says dismissing my earlier statement. The one where i politely tell him to fuck off. Yes that one.

"Um that won't be necessary sir, im good without.. really." i say grounded, beginning to get a little uncomfortable. He's still looking at my legs.

"You shouldn't be out here on your own, its cold sweetheart, let me give you a ride?"

He smirks in a predatory way and his words are slightly slurred. Definitely had more  than a few drinks.

"Please leave me alone." i say firmly.

Why won't he just get lost? I said no.

"Don't be like that baby im just-"
He turns around quickly to the sound of footsteps behind him. If i saw correctly I'd say he looked scared.



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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