Chapter 1

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(I know it is not the best fic, nor the best written, but give it a try, you want)

Clarke pov:

My mom wakes me up in the middle of the night. She looks sad. I quickly freak out. Mommy never cries, something bad happens. She and Daddy lead me through the corridors of the Ark to a room with a strange metal box.

"Honey, you must go in there." My daddy tells me with tears in his eyes.

"Why?" I asked scared.

"Because there are some bad men who want to hurt you." My mommy explains, crouching at my height. "Take this." She gives me my Teddy bear." This ship will take you to the ground."

"To the ground?" I ask even more scared than before. "But we can't be there, it's dangerous."

"I know, I know princess." My father crouches next to us. "But there is no other option."

They hug me, for some reason I know I won't see them again. They put me in the strange metal box.

"We love you, Clarke. Never forget it." My mommy says and it's the last thing she says to me before the sirens start to sound. Guards enter the room. My daddy touches a button and the metal box shoots out of the Arka. Everything moves and it hits me everywhere. This thing moves very fast. I am scared and I realize that I am crying. I have just lost my parents, and despite my young age, I know I probably won't survive the land. And if I do, I have no idea what I'll find down there.

The ship continues its descent. My screams are loud, but inaudible to anyone. It is at this moment that I realize that I am alone. I will never see my parents, or my best friend Wells. Not that I knew more people, but I didn't need them, my parents and Wells were enough, although now I don't even have them.

The ship begins to shake even more and my fear increases. In one jerk, I bang my head against the metal and feel something warm on my face. Blood. My sight meets the window and what I see is just beautiful. Green, a beautiful deep green. In the Ark there were no green colors like that.

Another jerk movement and I walk away from the window. Alarms sound throughout the ship. Shaking here and there, I just want it to end.

"Preparing for descent in ten, nine." A robotic voice speaks on the ship. I do nothing but scream and hug my little bear. "eight, seven, six." The countdown continues and I prepare for the impact. "five, four, three, two, one."

With a thud, the ship lands. I thought the impact would be greater, something cushioned it. The lights go off, the alarm stops ringing, and all is silent. I don't move, my body hurts and I bleed in some places. Strange sounds are heard from outside. I move to a corner of the ship and start crying. Hugging my legs and my bear, completely alone.


(The italicized letters are trig. I don't know the language that much, and for that I prefer to write it in english and with different letters. That way everyone can understand it too.)

I don't know when I fell asleep, but noises outside the ship wake me up. Everything is dark, it must be night. Or at least that's what they said in the Ark, if it's dark the sun went down and the moon and stars came out. The noises begin to get closer and I recognize voices and footsteps. Scared, I hug and corner even more in the ship. I try to understand what the voices are saying, but it doesn't seem like a language I know. Knocks begin to be heard all over the metal surface. Now I'm crying, I want my parents.

The door is pulled out of its place and I cry out. A huge figure stands out in the doorway. I think he watches me, before turning around and yelling something at what I assume are others like him. I have not realized how cold it is. I'm wearing only a T-shirt and shorts, my pajamas to sleep in. Another man, I think, enters the ship and takes me in his arms. I scream and kick totally terrified. What will they do to me? I'm about to ask that, when they wrap me in very warm furs and leave me on the floor. I look around. Large men and women, also covered with furs. Some have torches that light the place and are armed to the teeth. Everything is white, I think it's called snow. I bend down to touch it, but I remove my hand immediately, it is very cold.

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