Struggle and secret

Start from the beginning

Didn't get the chance to finish before a fist cut through the air and met with the side of his face, surprise he stumbled back and hit the wall with a loud thump, cracks appeared on the wall.

" You couldn't keep paws off her couldn't you?!" Platinum blonde twin punched him before he could move.

"It is one thing to kidnap Yui. It is anothe things entirely to tie her down and take advantage of her vulnerable state."

Dark smirk. We're demons. It was wrong thing to say, she kicked him in the side.

"No, she is a seventeen year old girl. This may be minors bit have choice What we do with bodies. and you, you took that away from her."

A tall male appeared out of nowhere, his golden eyes taking in the scene.

" What's going on here, brother. "

"It's nothing nii-san. "

Asami snorted. Golden pair of eyes turn to her.

"Do you have something to say, girl?"

"I'll tell what happened. Your brother couldn't keep his paws off sister and raped her. " Stole something she can never get back. " Now she's getting sick. Impregnated my blood kin against her will. Take responsibilty. "

Blood kin. Noticed similar features.

Yui intervened lightly separating the two and step between them.

"Asami please stop."

Asami shit her mouth and took few steps away to cool down. 

The Tsukinami put two and two together. Unfamiliar scent in mansion day of the attack. They're twins. That explains rumors and why Mukamis acting different. New eve.

It was taking everything she had not to go over there and tear first blood head off.

Carla took Shin away, something about a lecture and punishment is in order. The duo vanished into thin air. Breathed a sigh of relief.

They went to upstairs garden to get fresh air to apologise to her sister.

Never seen her so angry before. Father always told it's not good for them sometimes have to.

Yup sat down on the bench, Asami chose to stand.


Smelt salt and old copper.

Her sister was bleeding from bite. One of brothers had bit her.

The inner beast she tried to bury for so long smelt it and reared its ugly head from the depths demanding blood. She put a hand over her mouth.

Normally she would use magical potion to push it back down, but it's thirst could not be quenched thos time, and body was rejected it
it started to wrestle way out.

"Asami, what's wrong." She shook her head. Sense Yui's veins thumping, blood circulation her body. She forced her body away.

" Yui, please stay back. " put her hand in front as of shield sister form herself. .

Sister moved closer, Asami turning her head away.

A pair of fangs emerged from the gums, glowing magnets eyes stare back at her.


Her body moved its own pounced on blonde haired girl knocling her to tbe ground and Asami on top of her. Fangs sank into her neck.

Yui shocked, twin she had known since birth, her first best friend and person closest to her she cared about was human. This time in form for her.

She was a vampire. But how?

Asamj Starting to drink too much blood, drowned, needed to fight back.

start to struggle, vetoing her sister to stop.


She needs more.

Asami felt strong pair of arms wrap around her waist and pull her back,

No she wasn't finished yet, she needed more blood.

She wrestled vampire behind her and almost got free, only for another step in making a makeshift barrier. Slowly dragging her away from unconscious girl.

"Snap out of it, Asami-chan. "

Subaru was holding her back with the help of Yuma and Ayato stepped in front of girl obscure her view.

She felt something wet sliding down her chin into her clothes and ground, she pressed fingers to the liquid amd looked down to see crimson smeared on it.

Yui's blood.

She took steps back until touched the wall and slid down until hit the ground. Fight drowned out of her.

What had she done.

Drank her own twin's blood.

Heard people were coming. Ayato taken Yui and got her out of there.

Teleported her back to the Mukami's living room and Ruki stand with Azusa and Kou. Last ones wanted to see her like this.

Saw drenched in blood.

What happened.

Truth. Tsukinami took sister virginity and lost it. Bearing second eldest into a pulp.

That's kind of hot would've loved to see that.

Humans can't hurt them... unless she isn't human.

The secret she had been hiding from them for nearly a month had become unravelled. Nowhere she coukd hide what she was anymore.

She's a half blooded vampire. One of them. Changed everything.

END of Struggle and Secret.

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