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the sun was beginning to set and kyungmi found herself in the comfort of an empty seat at a cafe

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the sun was beginning to set and kyungmi found herself in the comfort of an empty seat at a cafe. it was a 24 hour cafe that was warm and quiet - just to kyungmi's liking.

7:02 pm

the clock on the wall read. the hours went by slowly, becoming slightly dreadful to kyungmi. she sat quietly, watching the clock as seconds went by.

a sound of car sirens was heard, catching kyungmi's attention. kyungmi looked outside the window to see nothing out of the ordinary - that was until she turned to the tv. there was a tv the hung high on the wall at the cafe.

displayed on the tv was a blurred body which was surrounded in blood. behind the police was a crying woman. her painful cries were muffled as the reporter spoke over.

"-crash caused by a drunk driver. from witnesses on the side of the road, the car was about to hit the mother though there was a sudden change in direction - resulting for the young girl to be hit. the child identified in the accident is choi byeol, 8 years old."

hearing the name of the girl, kyungmi's ears perked. there it was again, a striking pain in kyungmi's chest. a wave of guilt was coming at kyungmi like a tsunami.

she could've saved her, done something - but she didn't. instead she followed the rules and let an innocent girl die.

"told you something was going to happen." a familiar voice spoke. turning to her side sat the same ghost from earlier before. he sat with one leg over the other, hands on top of one knee.

"then what about you? you could've done something since you don't care about rules!" the cafe turned cold at the raise of her voice - and it was felt by the living humans too. the atmosphere wasn't the welcoming warmth like before, it turned cold and icy.

"wow it's so cold now, don't you think?"
"maybe their turned off the heater?"

the ghost, donghyuck, turned his head from the talking humans then back to kyungmi.

"you've got quite a temper don't you?" donghyuck chuckled lowly, looking up at kyungmi's standing figure with a smirk and raised brow.

"you think i didn't try to do anything? oh please," he rolled his eyes, standing up to meet kyungmi's level, "the car was meant to hit her mother. her mother is abusive, always hitting her for 'talking to air'. byeol's father is dead but her mother hides that from her daughter. the car was aimed for byeol's mother but since i've already been punished enough, the universe had different plans. which is why i needed you - because you aren't the one who's already being punished. i know you're not just some ghost wandering around, i know that. the same would've happened if i dragged along any other ghost, all except you. rules don't apply to you and you know that."

his voice was dark and dripping with venom. his eyes were pitch black - pupils hidden in his eyes. his figure towered over kyungmi, sending her into a state of fear.

"don't tell me i could've done something when you know damn well rules don't apply to you, kyungmi."

kyungmi stepped back, walking into a table behind her and knocking the objects off the table - which only earned the attention of humans. they didn't see ghosts - so to them, the wind knocked everything off somehow.

"how much do you know..?" she asked fearfully.

"i know that you've been dead for more than what you say."

. . .

"unnie!" a small cheerful voice called for the gloomy ghost that walked around town. looking behind her was the same child from this morning, and the same child that was found dead on the news.

"byeol-ah!" kyungmi replaced her gloomy face with a smile on her face.

"unnie i knew it! i'm not crazy, i do see you!" kyungmi crouched down in front of the younger, placing her hand softly on either side of her shoulder.

"you were never crazy byeol, people just find it hard to believe. they're just jealous because you see what they don't." kyungmi said softly.

byeol looked at kyungmi with stars glistening in her eyes. she was young, cute, innocent - and yet her life was taken away from her.

"unnie can we go to the park?" byeol turned her head and pointed to the park that was near where they were already. kyungmi followed where her finger was pointing to and recognised it as the park she was yesterday.

"of course we can, unnie will take you anywhere if possible."

kyungmi stood up straight, holding byeol's small hand in her own. the two of them walked side by side towards the park where a calm ghost sat, not expecting company that night.

 the two of them walked side by side towards the park where a calm ghost sat, not expecting company that night

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damn what does hyuck mean👀👀

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