For the people, by the people, to the people

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Karn reached anga safe and sound but when he was on his way he found many things, which he didn't like it a bit .

High borns treating low borns as slaves ; More than that drought was their main problem; availability of drinking water ; problem of dacoits; problem of land lords; food scarcity etc etc .....

Oh god the people's problems are going out of numbers, I should do something think Adi think what you can do ....

Idea ... wah Aditya you are great ! Tumhare koi javab nahi .

Aditya arranged a council meeting and requested all the ministers to be present in his mahal.

"Angraj everyone has come you may start what you wanted to" one of the ministers said , making karn nod a bit

"Mahamantri I have seen many problems faced by our praja when I was heading towards anga , what do you have to tell about it" karn said making them a bit tense

"Angraj there are many problems faced by people , but due to no king we had a problem of governance and problem of treasury as this land was left back by Hastinapur they never answered to our letters or bothered about anga" one of the ministers said making karn nod

"May I know how much treasure we have now and I want the whole details of exports and imports and if possible can we make any trade with other kingdoms not with Hastinapur" Karn asked them

"Yes angraj we have a minimum treasure which may be can used to clear one or two problems all over the kingdom but the problem is that one one village have different problems and we don't have much resources for that" administration minister replied to him

"Hmm then write a letter to Dwarka and Kalinga , as Kalinga is our near state we will ask them some necessary things like food grains and some minimal things" he said making all of them nod he stood up from his seat and moved front

"I want to implement local governance" he said making all of them confuse

"That means I want the the whole treasure to be distributed to all the villages to their heads so that they can solve their own problems to their villages but one person from the capital should be present in every village and should look after the money or gold is being used in proper way or not and more if anyone tries to misuse those things then trust me I will punish them in my way" karn said making all of them gulp

"But maharaj ...aa if we do so then what is the need of we being here our dharma is to protect and lead them" one of the ministers said

"Look ! A leader's job is to make a leaderless society where all people can depend on themselves for protection and all not on the leader and I am going to implement this at any cost and I am not going to tolerate any such bribing or theft , immediately send a notice to all the people across the kingdom about new implementation" karn ordered making all of them speed up their works

Everyone hurried and worked on the parts which were allotted to them whole army was also divided into parts and made dispersed to villages with treasure as there was problem of dacoits.

The whole people in the kingdom were happy knowing the fact that their sad days were going to end soon all of them worked together despite of cast creed or status on orders of king of anga.

Aditya was quite satisfied with the development of the whole kingdom , he introduced more reforms like necessary primary education, changing of caste; means they can do any one irrespective of cast in a way they can change their cast . (Cast was created based on their works not by their birth)

Dwaraka and Kalinga has sent necessary amounts of food , grains , millets  and many more things as their order to help anga . In just few months anga became popular among whole Aryavart ; for its new reforms, new methods of cultivating; new life style; new architecture

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