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"I have finally saved up enough coins to buy a seelie."
Aether said proudly, looking at the seelies on display.

"Maybe blue, maybe pink, or purple!"
Xiao watched as the traveler debated, giving his share of coins to the guy.

"Can I have a yellow one?"
The man raised a brow, "Are you sure? The purple one is a limited time offer and-"

"I'm sure."
Xiao said calmly, the man all but objected. Handing the Yaksha the yellow seelie.

Xiao waited on the side while Aether ended up picking the purple one.

"So traveler, why did you choose that purple one?"
Paimon asked, Aether smirked proudly.

"Because when I defeat the Raiden Shogun, I want this electro seelie to stand as a good luck charm!"
Aether responded, playing with the purple seelie.

"Xiao, why did you pick that yellow one?"
Xiao stayed quiet, embarrassed of his answer.

"I-I got it because it reminds me of Aether:"
Xiao said, blushing profusely.

Aether sighed, planting a kiss on the Yaksha's cheek.

"If I knew you were gonna do that I would've gotten the blue one."
Aether giggled holding up the purple seelie.

"This kinda looks like you, I will name it Xiaother."
The traveler, jumped into Xiao's arms. Paimon thought about the name before coming to a conclusion.

Aether nodded his head.
"Yes it is, as a symbol of love. Now let's go kill some enemies!"

Paimon cheered. Whilst the Xiaother and the yellow seelie followed their parents into the Inazuma wilderness.

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