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"You're up early," Cecelia commented as she emerged from her room. Her phone and charger in her hand. 

"I have a lot to do today," he said, stuffing his face with some rice.

"Why?" He asked, mouth full of food. 

Cecelia made a face but kept talking anyway.

"I don't know I just thought you were the type that would go to sleep at 5am and wake up at 1pm and be like good morning!" she observed, plugging her phone into the charger and leaving it on the counter. 

She felt a little all over the place as she put the kettle on while running back to her room to brush her hair. 

At least she was dressed, happy with her nice beige sweater vest and pale blue wide leg jeans. Her sage tote bag sitting on her bed with her laptop and any needed supplies in it. She made sure it was all packed the night before.

"Cecelia, the kettles done!" Chenle called to her. 

Finally after making her tea she sat down and had cereal. 

"I've got to get going now. I'm working this evening as well so I won't be home until late in the afternoon," She informed him as she got up from her stool. 

She had her shoes on and was almost out the door by the time Chenle called her back in.

"You forgot your phone," he said, handing her the charger and also her device.

She nodded her head in thanks.

On her walk to school she decided to listen to some of NCT DREAM's songs. Starting off at Chewing Gum but finding it so hard not to giggle that she had to skip a couple eras to We Go Up. 

Finding herself unironically humming along to 1, 2, 3.

Just before she was positively shocked by the lyrics of Drippin'. Making a note to tease her new roommate about that later.

Upon entering the building she was shocked by the modernity of the university.  She shouldn't have been, considering this section of the school was the Science and Technology department. 

The other area of the university, right across from hers was the Art department. There was a beautiful courtyard with a fountain in the middle and trees all around. 

Today was sort of an orientation day. Basically just an introduction to the professors, classes and the building itself. 

So it probably wasn't going to be a long day, but she was planning to go over the summary of the syllabus. Hoping to find a cute café nearby to become her new frequent spot. 

Then she would make her way to work, starting her four hour shift.

She realised she was quite early when there appeared to be only three other people and the professor in the lecture hall.

The professor gave her a polite wave and she returned his gesture with a brief bow before finding somewhere to sit. 

Pulling her phone out and texting Ae-cha to pass the time. 

"Okay students!" The professors voice called out. 

She looked up and looked around. To see about 40 other students sitting around her. 

"I'm Mr. Lee. I'll be one of two professors teaching you this year. The other is Mr. Oh whom you will meet in the coming week." He began. 

"Today, like I detailed in the email I sent all of you, is an introduction day. I'll walk around and hand out these physical copies of the syllabus but I will also add a copy to our OneDrive on office 365." He continued, strolling around the room.

AND THEY WERE ROOMATES  - [CHENLE]Where stories live. Discover now