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"So what do you think?" She asked as he looked around, stopping to investigate her radio. 

She bounced over to him after putting Daegal down, gesturing towards her CDs. 

"We can play something if you want," she suggested. 

A ghost of a smile spread across his face briefly. Seeing it, Cecelia's smile widened, even more so when he picked out a CD.

Putting 'Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not' by Arctic Monkeys into the CD player. 

'I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor' playing through the speakers. 

"It's cool. I like the pictures by the mirror and the drawing of that motorbike by your bed," he spoke, sitting down on her bed. 

"You've got a lot of plants," he pointed out, Cecelia smiled about to tell him all of their names. 

"Please don't tell me they have names," he groaned. His head in his hands.

"Possibly..." she blushed, a sheepish smile on her face as he peeked through his hands to look up at her.

"Hey, they're like my only family. I'm their mother, they need names," She defended herself. 

Chenle laughed, suddenly wanting to hear the names of her 'children'.

"Ok so, that plant is called Taka. They're an Areca palm plant. Those two succulents on my desk are called Xuxi and Lucia. That little cactus by those mushrooms is called Yuki. Those plants in the corner are called Lorelei, Daenerys and Harry. Lorelei is a rubber plant, Daenerys is a dracena plant and Harry is a snake plant." She explained, pointing at each as she said their names.

"I have a friend called Xuxi," Chenle mentioned. 

"Oh my god really!?" Cecelia questioned, finding it to be a super fun coincidence.

"I'm going to tell him there's a plant named after him," He said thoughtfully, standing up from her bed as Daegal got up to follow him too. 

"Do you have all your stuff moved in now?" He asked as he stood at the door. 


"Welcome then I guess," he softly smiled. 

Cecelia stared grouchily at the books for her new course, that was to begin in just two days. Although she was excited to start college, she knew there was going to be a lot of work. 

She'd never been the perfect student, slacking a little sometimes, conveniently forgetting homework but pulling it all back when she did the exams. 

But she knew that type of strategy wouldn't work when you go into third level education. So naturally she was feeling nervous. 

Not only about the added work but also nervous about the people. 

Afraid she might struggle to make friends even though she considered herself to be an extroverted person. 

She finally emerged from her room in the evening. To once again find Chenle on a device of sorts but this time it was the television. 

"Hey," she uttered quietly, filling her regular watering mug to, of course, water her plants.

"What you watching?" She asked him, hovering behind the couch. 

"Basketball," he mumbled, not even taking his eyes off the screen. 

"Boring..." she sighed heavily, plopping onto the couch beside him. 

"What do you actually do?" she asked, "you know what I'm doing, I think I deserve to know a bit about you."

"No I think I'm obliged to know because I live with you. I probably should have asked you all about this stuff before I moved in. What if you're a murderer?" She rambled, edging a little further into the corner of the couch. 

Chenle groaned. "Man, I'm just trying to watch something."

Cecelia sighed loudly, to grab his attention. 

"Ok fine, I'm an idol." He admitted, having to finally pause the game he was watching.

Cecelia paused, opening her mouth and eventually closing it again. 

"You're a murderer, I knew it." she concluded, standing up from the couch. Preparing to conclude her dramatic show. 

"It serves me right for not doing any research," she paced. 

It's not that she didn't believe him but it was just really unbelievable.

It was his turn to sigh loudly. 

"No Cecelia I am actually an idol in a group called NCT DREAM, which is a sub unit of NCT." He said, groaning as she paced in front of him.

"I've never really heard of that group, but this would be a pretty elaborate story for a murderer. You would have just killed me by now," she pondered.

Chenle looked almost offended. "Well I guess our concept is a little hard to understand but we're not an unpopular group," he spoke thoughtfully, following the pacing girl with his eyes. 

"Don't take it too personally kid, my instagram bio is literally Body by Tion Wayne x Russ Millions." she teased.

Then she stopped suddenly.

"But I'm a trusting person so I guess I'll give you the benefit of the doubt," she smiled, "and watch the oldest music video I can find later."

Chenle just rolled his eyes and un-paused the tv. 

"Hey! What if I wanted to ask more questions?" She whined, pouting dramatically.

"Question time is over," Chenle deadpanned.

AND THEY WERE ROOMATES  - [CHENLE]Where stories live. Discover now