chapter 15 (prom night)

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SONG: Hollywood Waltz by Eagles


Ida wanted to talk to Hyde but somehow, there was no way that she could get him alone, and every time they were alone, he'd leave before she had a chance to say anything. They were in a weird stage at the moment. They weren't fighting, not even really talking to each other, probably because neither knew where to take off after everything that happened. Ida decided to not care as much until he showed interest to care as well. She wasn't sure why. Just a matter of ego most likely.

She thought I'd be cool if they could go to prom together, but he didn't ask her and he also made it very clear that he wasn't going. As Ida didn't have a date. Nobody asked her, and she wasn't interested in any boy to ask him, so she decided to not go as well even though she already had a dress. She went shopping for it with her mom last month before she even knew that she wouldn't want to go, back when she planned on asking Jeremy to go with her.

But despite not wanting to go to the prom, Ida was very invested in Donna's and Jackie's preparations. The three girls were sitting together in Donna's kitchen before she ran to her room to get her dress and her shoes to show them off.

'These are the shoes I'm wearing! Aren't they cool?' Donna exclaimed, showing Jackie and Ida a pair of silver heels. They weren't too big because she didn't want to be taller than Eric. She said it made her feel a bit awkward.

Jackie took the shoes and smiled. 'Oh my God, I was gonna get new shoes except Michael didn't ask me,' she said, clicking the shoes together and then looking to the side.

Ida rolled her eyes, a bit annoyed by the fact that Jackie had to turn the conversation again into something about Kelso. 'They're really nice,' she told Donna.

'Thanks!' Then she showed them her sky blue dress. 'You like my Prom dress, right?'

'Oh my God, I was gonna get a new Prom dress, except Michael didn't ask me,' Jackie told her.

'You were also gonna stop turning everything into a conversation about yourself, except Michael didn't ask you,' Ida said quietly.

Hanging the dress onto the fridge, Donna said, 'I'm so nervous about the Prom! I think it's gonna be the night that Eric and I ... you know?'

'Let me guess,' Ida said, before Jackie could say something. 'That's was when Michael and you were going to do it for the first time.'

Jackie gasped. 'Oh, my God! Yes! How did you know?'

Ida rolled her eyes. 'Lucky guess.'

Donna quirked up an eyebrow at her and leaned against the kitchen island. 'Jackie, you and Kelso did it like two months ago, and like thirty times after that!'

'Yeah, but it would've been the first time at a Prom! Except Michael didn't ask me!' She shouted, looking like she was on the verge of tears, hugging Donna's prom shoes tightly to her chest.

'Weren't you the one who broke up with him?' Ida asked, looking up at her from the table where she sat.

'I know! Isn't it sad?!' Jackie answered, before both she and Donna sat down as well.

Donna exchanged a look with Ida and then turned towards Jackie. 'Look, just ask Kelso to go with you,' she told her, making it sound very simple and like Jackie was overcomplicating everything.

She looked at Donna in horror. 'God no, this is the Prom! This is no time for your stupid feminist crap!'

The door to the kitchen opened and Eric came in, followed by Kelso. Tension filled the room and Jackie's gaze darted towards her ex-boyfriend. She visibly clenched and unclenched her jaw and then said, 'Hello, Michael.'

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