chapter 1 (the keg)

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SONG: The Six Teens by Sweet


Ida looked up from her History textbook, reading over the causes of the First World War, instead of paying attention to the new lesson in French: plus-que-parfait. She bit the inside of her cheek, apologizing to Ms. Collins who stood three feet away from Ida's desk, frowning and clutching a textbook in her arms to the point where here knuckles were white. For some reason, she held a grudge against Ida. All the other teachers liked her, but not Ms. Collins.

She shook her head. 'This is not the first time I have caught you doing something else in my class! If I catch you one more time, you will be given a detention. Now, I suggest you pay attention if you still want to keep that straight-A record you've had for a while now. Hm.' And then she turned around and went back to her desk.

Closing the book, Ida put it into her backpack and then slumped on her chair. She took her pencil and tapped it against the table in the rhythm of Shooting Star by Bad Company, when someone tapped her on the shoulder.


She turned around and the girl who was sitting behind her, Amy, threw a note at her. Ida took it and then quickly turned back around, holding the piece of paper in her hand tightly as Ms. Collins turned around to see what the commotion was about behind her. When she turned back to face the blackboard, Ida slowly opened the note underneath the table and read what was written on it:

Read all the instructions carefully.

Ida frowned confusingly, looking at Amy over her shoulder. 'What the hell is this?' She mouthed quietly, but Amy just shrugged and continued to take notes. Ida kept reading:

1. Look out the window

The French classroom was a big room at the end of the hallway on the ground floor which had windows on both sides. Ida sat next to one and looked outside but no one was there. Then she looked across the room and saw someone waving at her from behind a bush.

Her eyes widened and she shook her head furiously at Hyde. She motioned with her hand for him to go away but he just pointed at the note she was reading, so she looked back at it.

2. It's urgent.

3. Say that you're not feeling well and ask to go to the nurse's office. I'm waiting outside.

Ida looked back at Hyde and gave him one of her looks which meant "Absolutely no fucking way, Steven." He gave her back a look of his own that meant "Really? You're lame" and then he looked around and mouthed, 'Wait.' When he disappeared, Ida buried her face into her hands.

'Ida! Question cinq!'

'Désolée, madame!' Ida exclaimed, hurriedly flipping through the pages of the textbook until she found the lesson they were on. 'Um... je pense que c'est-'

Suddenly, the door opened and in came Hyde.

Ida was ready to die.

'Um, sorry, Ms. Collins,' he said, closing the door behind him. 'I was just wondering if I could borrow Ida's History textbook? I really need it. We're working on a project and I left my book at home.'

I take advanced history. You don't, Ida thought to herself, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath in.

Ms. Collins eyed Hyde suspiciously at first and then nodded. 'Of course. Hurry up.'

Ida reached for her backpack and before she could pull out the book, Hyde leaned down and whispered, 'Chicken.' Then he placed a hand on her shoulder. 'Whoa, Ida. You feeling good?'

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