chapter 4 (thanksgiving)

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SONG: My Best Friend's Girl by The Cars


'Ida, can you please explain to me why is Hyde suddenly so affectionate with you, and why, whenever he puts his arm around your shoulders, he looks at me?'

Ida's breath got caught up in her throat. She didn't really think about what she'd say to Donna or Jackie if they asked her what was going on all of a sudden between Hyde and her when she constantly raves on about Jeremy when she gets off work. 'You're just talking nonsense. He's always like that.'

Donna raised her eyebrows. 'Really? Then what was all that about the chair yesterday at the Hub?'

'What about the chair yesterday at the Hub?'

'Wait, we need one more chair for Ida,' Donna said, taking a seat on the red sofa next to Jackie.

Eric, who was still standing and being a nice guy that he is, said, 'Oh, yea. Wait, let me grab one for you.'

'Thanks, Eric. That's really-'

'Don't worry man,' Hyde told him, pulling Ida into his lap. 'She can sit right here, it's not a problem.' Then he glanced at Donna who was staring at them blankly. 'Chicks love to sit in my lap.'

'Oh, that,' Ida said, pretending to remember. 'There was no chair for me so we had to improvise.'

'Ida, there was literally a free table right next to us,' Donna told her.

Ida shook her head. 'Yes, but remember that Hub has the policy which states that you can't take the chair from another table.' At this point, she was just making up things and saying those that were at the top of her mind.

'They don't have that rule,' Donna told her. 'What-

'OH, WILL YOU LOOK AT THAT, WE ARRIVED TO OUR DESIRED DESTINATION,' Ida said loudly, interrupting Donna and walking into the Hub, heading straight for the same table at which they sat at last night. 'Hi!' She said, overenthusiastically, slamming her hands on Hyde's shoulders.

The other four, Eric, Fez, Kelso and Jackie, all looked up at her.

'Ida, are you okay?' Eric asked her. 'Your eye is twitching.'

Whenever Ida felt an emotion, you could see it in her body language. If she was happy, she wouldn't stop smiling. If she was excited, she couldn't stay calm. Whenever she got angry, everyone said her head would get bigger (but she didn't understand how that was possible). And when she was nervous, her eye would twitch very noticeably.

'I'm fine,' she answered and sat down on an empty chair next to Hyde.

Donna followed her, taking of her jacket and slinging it over the back of the chair before taking a seat. She leaned over and whispered something into Jackie's ear and she whispered something back, before both of them looked at Ida.

Ida felt uncomfortable and turned away from them, only to see the face of a smiling Hyde stare right back at her. 'How are you?' He asked her.

'Great,' she said through clenched teeth. 'I need a juice box.'

'I'll go with you,' Hyde said, sitting up and following her to the counter. 'So? You were alone with Donna. Did she say anything?'

Ida looked at him and pursed her lips. 'Yes. She asked what the hell is going on and why do you look at her each time you put your arm around me.' Then her eyes slowly trailed to Donna and Jackie, who looked away as soon as Ida caught them staring. 'And now she's talking to Jackie about it. Hyde, I don't think this is a good idea. I'll have a Capri Sun.'

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