"Mommy, I'm scared," she said.

"Why, honey?"

"What if I can't make friends? What if no one likes me?" Miley answered.

"They'll like you, don't worry. You're such a nice girl," her mom reassured her, placing a hand on Miley's shoulder, "I know it's been difficult for you to leave New York, but you'll love it here, okay?"

Miley responded with a quick smile before they got out of the truck together.

The hot California air hit her as soon as she exited the car, feeling the sun beat down on her. Almost instantaneously, sweat began forming on her forehead.

"At least the weather's bearable in New York," she thought, picking up a box.

As her family unpacked, she saw two kids, a boy and girl, walking toward the house. One looked about her age and height, and the girl was taller and looked older. They both had brown hair like hers, but the boy's hair was curly, while the girl had straight hair.

She put down the item she was holding and went to the moving truck.


"Hi, we're from across the street," Emi greeted, walking up to the parents.

"Well, hello there, I'm Amanda," the mom answered, shaking Emi's hand, "This is Henry, my husband."

Jake looked them over. Both of them had blonde hair and toothy smiles.

"Pleasure to meet you," the dad added, shaking Emi's hand," What are your names?"

"I'm Emi, this is Jake," Emi answered. Jake waved shyly.

"Is Jake in seventh grade?"


"We have a daughter in that age range as well," Amanda explained, before turning back.

"Miley, come here!" she shouted.

Emi and Jake watched a girl slightly shorter than Jake hop out of the moving truck, and stand behind her mom.

"Come say hi, okay?" her mom asked, looking down at her.

Miley stepped forward and waved.

"Hi," she said, almost impossible to hear as she folded her arms. She shifted from foot to foot nervously, and her eyes couldn't meet his, flicking away from his face rapidly.

"Hi," Jake answered, observing her.

"She looks like a sad puppy," he thought.

She wore a brown shirt, blue bootcut jeans, and white sandals. She had big brown eyes like his, a round face, sported sparkly blue nail polish on her fingers and toes, and long wavy brown hair that fell down her back, streaked with blue, red, green, turquoise, and purple. Jake looked at her arms, and saw a small mark on each one, hidden by her hands.

"She'll be going to Palm Middle School," her mom answered, putting her hand on Miley's shoulder.

"Oh, Jake goes there. Maybe he could help her," Emi suggested.

"That'd be great!"

Jake looked at Emi with pleading eyes. Emi ignored him.

"Well, it was nice meeting both of you. I hope we become good friends!" Amanda said.

"I hope we do too. Bye!" Emi answered.

"Bye!" the family answered, waving.

Jake saw Miley raise her hand to wave for a short time, unveiling two long scars along her arms. She quickly drew her hand back, covering them again.

Burnt House Hill (RainbowCaliber GX Story #0)Where stories live. Discover now