chapter 1 (the keg)

Start from the beginning

Everyone's heads turned in their direction and Ms. Collins looked over her shoulder, lowering her hand just as she was writing the conjugation of an irregular verb on the board. The class saw this as an opportunity to start talking which annoyed her even more.

'Quiet!' She yelled and then walked over to Ida's desk. 'Steven, I told you to hurry up! Not stay around and chat.'

'I'm sorry, ma'am, but Ida's not feeling well and I'm a bit worried about her,' Hyde said and stepped on Ida's foot unnoticeably underneath the table.

Ida yelped in pain.

'See?' Hyde told Ms. Collins, faking a concerned face.

Deciding to just play along as they were at a point of no return, Ida nodded. 'Yes, I don't feel so good. I'm a bit dizzy and I feel a bit sick.'

'She's very pale too,' Hyde added.

Ms. Collins eyed her suspiciously.

That's it. Ida thought. She is about to realize that I'm faking it. And then she'll hate me even more, I'll get detention and drop out of honor's roll and my life-

'Alright,' Ms. Collins said at last.

Ida looked at her shocked, waiting for the catch. She was one of those teachers who would always catch you if you were lying about not finishing your homework, so it came as a surprise to Ida that she bought it. 'Alright?'

'Yes, go to the nurse's office,' Ms. Collins said. 'Unless you feel better all of a sudden?'

'Um, no,' Ida replied, standing up and gathering all of her stuff, pretending to feel a bit woozy. 'Thank you.'

She felt Ms. Collins' eyes burn through the back of her head until she walked out of the classroom and closed the door behind her. It wasn't until there was a good distance between them and the end of the hallway that she asked Hyde, 'What the hell happened?'

He grinned, pulling her by the forearm. 'You'll see. It's a surprise.'

Ida was pissed. She genuinely thought something serious had happened. Slapping his hand away, she hissed, 'I can't believe I allowed you to make me ditch.'

'Yes, because Miss Goody-Two-Shoes can never do anything against the rules,' Hyde replied, rolling his eyes. 'You're being a bigger wuss than Forman now. Relax a little, c'mon.'

'I'm not a wuss,' Ida complained. Then she started thinking how many times she did something against the rules since they started high school and came up with nothing. 'Fine, maybe a bit.'

'Stage one is acceptance,' Hyde told her, earning himself a smack in the arm.

Just as they were about to round the corner, behind them, they heard, 'Not so fast.'


Ida and Hyde stopped in their tracks and turned around, only to see the school's principal, Mr. Pridewell, strolling slowly towards them with a smirk of satisfaction on his face. One could say that he was very proud of himself - finally, he caught Steven Hyde in action, ditching class, and it was very obvious that he would be enjoying every moment of giving him life's worth of detention.

Mr. Pridewell stopped in front of the two teenagers and looked down at them, crossing his arms over his chest. He stared at them for a few seconds and then said, 'Going somewhere?'

'Yes, sir,' Hyde said. 'And if you don't mind, we'll just be on our way.'

'Very funny, Steven. Come back here,' Mr. Pridewell replied. 'I expected this from you,' he said, motioning to Hyde. 'But now, I catch you ditching class, and dragging Ida in with you. Not what I thought an honor's student would do.' Neither of the kids said anything which only irritated him more, so he asked impatiently, 'Well, what do you have to say for yourself?'

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