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And I was right. The next few days were rather rough indeed. First, the devastating news of All Might's retirement shocked the whole country, leaving many to feel as if the integrity and safety of their lives were no longer being prioritized. Many grew weary in the hero's abilities to keep them safe now that the number one is no longer in action. With the support for pros slowly dwindling, it became harder for heroes to do their jobs, no longer feeling like they had a purpose now that the public had little to no trust in them. 

Shinso has been more stressed than ever recently, no realizing the full brunt of responsibility now on his shoulders. As All Might's successor, it was up to him to keep the world peace, to become the nation's symbol of peace. But he was only just a teen, still in his first year of high school and far from being a real pro hero. So it's understandable the amount of stress and worry weighing on his shoulders. 

Katsuki was a whole other story. After All For One's defeat, we turned Katsuki over to the police so they would know he was safe and so he could get looked over by the paramedics on site. He was fine overall, with a few bruises here or there when he got smart or wouldn't talk from the villains. After getting checked over he was rushed over to the police station where he had to give his statement with Aizawa while the rest of us got chewed out by the other pros that participated in the rescue. Turns out, even though we didn't directly fight the villains, we were still in trouble for participating and going against direct orders. 

Also, turns out when you find out one of your classmates has had a secret twin this whole time, it's a reason to share with any who weren't there to witness the event. Not to mention, the many news stations that managed to get both Shoto and me in the same shot didn't help. News stories were quick to break out, theories of a missing or hidden Todoroki sibling spilling my biggest secrete. The shots were so clear, there was nothing I could do to deny that it wasn't me. Not to mention the anger Enji had. Though neither my twin nor I saw him directly, seeing as he is being detained, we heard rumors from the police and pros alike of the rage Endeavor displayed at everyone learning of his hidden son.

So it's safe to say the past couple of days have been very chaotic and stressful. I haven't even gotten to see Katsuki or Shoto seeing as I've been spending every day at the police station answering their questions about my existence and evading the Hero Commission. Who by the way, think that just because my existence is no longer being kept secret and seeing that Endeavor is in jail, they can just claim me as theirs and dictate what I can and can not do. It's been a hassle avoiding them and trying to get into contact with Aizawa. Seems they're trying to block my communication with anyone that could get me out of this predicament.

Unfortunately, or fortunately for me, I'm smarter than they give me credit for, meaning their attempts to keep me from contacting any heroes have failed. I managed to get ahold of Aizawa yesterday and inform him of what's happening. He told me he'll take care of everything, all I had to do was find a way to avoid the number of slaves the hero commission has guarding his house and meet up with him face to face. Once we are together in person, everything will go much smoother, seeing as he's the head primary provider for people under UA's authority. As such, once I'm physically under his care, the commission can not touch me unless they want to face the wrath of UA. Easier said than done though. It also doesn't help that I somehow lost my phone within the last couple of days and couldn't get ahold of any other phone until last night.

Currently, I was on my way to Aizawa's house, using glamour to hide my appearance. To anyone that looks my way or passes by, I look like an ordinary citizen, plain and not eye-catching in any way. Though that doesn't stop the people from the commission from casting suspicious looks at me or doing double-takes. A little nerve-wracking but once I got close enough to Aizawa's house I booked it. 

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