I drew a picture during art class. It was me, mommy, Dad and what I think the new baby is going to look like. I used my red crayon to draw mommy's hair because her hair's red, my favorite color is red.

Then we had lunch and I shared my grapes with Israel and Sam. Mommy packed a grilled cheese sandwich for me and some apple juice, yum.

After lunch, or parents started coming. Mommy and Dad came a bit later. I was so happy to see mommy, I wanted to show her my drawing but I couldn't until we were done for the day.

There were a lot of parents in the class sitting behind us so they could watch our presentations. Miss Celia said we were going according to our last names, mine is Graham so I had to go after the people with last names starting with A, B, C, D, E and F.

Israel went before me because his last name is Blanca and that starts with a ‘B’.

When it was my turn, I went to the front of the class. I don't know why but everyone looking at me got me scared. I wanted to talk but I couldn't, if I say something stupid everyone's going to laugh at me. I don't want people to laugh at me.

Maybe I shouldn't do this.

Dad said if I get scared I should look at him, I don't know how it'll help but I can try. I smiled when I saw what Dad was doing. He put both his thumbs up and stuck them up his nose with his tongue out.

He looks so funny.

It was like magic, after seeing him, I was able to start my presentation. “Hi, my name is Oliver Graham and I'm here to talk about my family…”

When I finished, everyone clapped for me till I got to my seat. When I looked at Dad again, he made that face he makes when he's proud.

He's proud of me.

After everybody did their presentation, our teachers let us out for recess. I like recess, I get to play soccer and run around and have fun.

I was playing tag with Sam and Israel at Sam was it so me and Israel ran away from her. I ran so fast, I'm pretty sure I was faster than the Flash. The game was going good till I saw Roger push Sam down.

Roger is a bully and he's always picking on Sam. Him and Sam were married before she married Israel but she unmarried him because she saw him holding Sally's hand.

“Leave her alone!” I told him with my best scary face.

He wasn't scared. “Make me.”

His scary face did scare me or Israel. He held Sam get up and clean her skirt while Roger and I did an angry staring contest.

“Go away, Roger.” Israel did his own scary face and Roger ran away like a scared little baby.

We played some more before school closed and mommy took me home while Dad went back to work. After I did my homework and took a nap, I hung out on the couch with mommy.

“Hi, baby. When are you gonna come out of mommy's tummy?” I was asking the baby like I usually do but he didn't answer me.

Mommy's tummy got bigger since they told me about the baby and Dad says it's because the baby is growing. I still don't understand why the baby had to grow in mommy's tummy. Why not her leg? Or her back?

“Are you a boy or a girl? I hope you're a boy so we can play but if you're a girl it's okay, I don't mind. Why don't you talk? Are you even in there?” I used my finger to tap mommy's bellybutton. If the baby is in her tummy then her bellybutton is be like a doorbell.

I think that's right.

When I press it, I didn't hear a sound and mommy just held my hand and said the baby can't talk to me right now. I hate that the baby can't talk.

My friends came a bit later and Sam asked why my mommy's tummy was so big. When I told her there was a baby inside, she started crying because she thought my mommy ate a baby.

Been there.

I told her what my dad told me and she said we was going to tell her parents to do the special dance. When they left, I was pooped but mommy made me stay awake for dinner.

I didn't even watch cartoons after dinner like normally do. I just wanted sleep so mommy and Dad tucked me in. I brought out my toy dinosaur, Mr Dino, from where I hid him when my friends were coming, he's my favorite toy and gives great hugs. I like cuddling him at night cus he keeps nightmares away.

“Good night, Olly.” Mommy and Dad kissed my head before pulling my blanket higher.

I don't know what I said but I said something before I fell asleep.

Author's Note:

Hi guys. As promised, I wrote a chapter in Olly's POV. Is it any good? I feel like I didn't deliver. Comment what you think.

Special Olly thanks to Marvedon _astroquality mwriter12 PrincessDorkilous Queenbee2048.

I love you guys ❤️❤️❤️

Don't forget to vote and comment and also check out the sequel coming next week and the spin off which is already up. I just updated it, hope you check it out.

Bye for now


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