Then suddenly the door swung open with a huge bang being forcefully opened.

And there stood a lady I hadn't seen in years – a lady whom I use to hide in the bushes from.

A lady I knew a lot about.

"Hello, dahlings," Elizabeth trilled. Her accent was the same, uniquely awkward and decidedly forced.

I cringed as she clacked in on those heels, dropping her coat and umbrella on my family's marble foyer.  She hadn't changed at all since 2009 – her suit was still perfectly pressed, not one jet-black, chin-length hair was even approaching gray, and her sharp brown eyes missed nothing.  She was still as scary as I remembered.  

Elizabeth Gray would have been nice-looking, beautiful even, if it weren't for the coldness in her eyes.

"Mrs. Gray." I swallowed my shock and distaste at seeing her for the first time in years. Why was she even here? – was she finally going to tell me something about Faith?  I rose from the couch, setting the phone manual down, and walked over to her, extending my hand politely.

"Now, now, Niall Horan," Mrs. Gray said, looking down at my hand. Her nose wrinkled just like Faith's always used to.  She looked back up at me with her piercing dark eyes. "No need for any contact. And besides, where has your hand been? Filthy." Her lip curled before her gaze passed me and settled on someone behind me.

"Ah. Harry Styles," she smirked. "And Zayn Malik, correct?"

Zayn nodded mutely, before turning towards Harry, who seemed speechless.

I couldn't handle it anymore.  "Faith!" I burst out. "She's alive!"

"It isn't a secret," she replied shortly.

Then why haven't I known all these years?

"Brought cookies," Mrs. Gray chimed, ignoring the topic of her daughter.

I snorted.  "Where is she?" I asked impatiently.

She gazed at me with disgust as she always used to do before letting out a deep sigh.  "You're not even going to offer me a seat?"

"Please, Mrs. Gray," I pleaded, pulling on my jacket.  "I need to know!"

"You want the truth." It was a statement, not a question.

I nodded.  Mrs. Gray took a long, emotionless glance into my eyes before suddenly turning around and pulling out a handkerchief, wiping unseen tears.

"It's horrible, honey," she bawled, gasping for air.  Was she actually crying?  I had never, ever known Faith's mother to cry, not even during Marley and Me. – Which, Faith and I use to watch every week...  I missed her so much...  

"I tried so hard, I really did." She turned away. "Sorry- I just get so emotional." Mrs. Gray walked towards the widow, pulling aside the curtains.

There was one car parked in the gray, snowy driveway.  I gazed at it unseeingly for a moment. Then it everything took shape, and there she was. Sitting in the passenger seat, looking down at her book intently. I felt my breath catch my throat.

"F-Faith!" She was so calm and gorgeous, just like always.  And healthy! I had almost forgotten the natural blush in her cheeks, the shine of her hair…  The cancer had stolen all of that away from her for the last year of our friendship.  But here she was, in my actual driveway, whole and radiant! 

A sudden surge ran down my spine. The excitement to run to her, hug her, just talk to her left a huge grin on my face.  I turned away from the window and back at Mrs. Gray, who was tucking the handkerchief back into her purse.

Let's Pretend [Niall Horan]Where stories live. Discover now