Chapter 10 - The End of All Things

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Stella's POV

I texted Alex after my conversation with Sierra. He asked me to meet him and sent me the address of a park. Of course I agreed. It was a beautiful area. Leaves overhung a weathered down trail, squirrels chased up and down trees that were feeding off of the burning sun. I sat on a bench and took it all in.
"Boo!" Alex shouted and grabbed my shoulders.
I jumped out of my skin. "Alex!" I shouted and playfully hit him.
"I had to." He smirked and sat beside me. "Such a beautiful day."
I was surprised he was in such a good mood. I was fully prepared this morning to have this boy break my heart and he wasn't making it easy.
"Everything alright?" He pulled my chin so our eyes could meet.
"Yeah." I forced a smile. "What's got you so uppity?"
"Well if you must know. I may have done something really impulsive, maybe a bit stupid." Alex said. 'Same' I thought to myself.
"Although, I don't regret a second of it." He added. That one I couldn't quite agree with.
"What would that be?" I asked, looking at the smile plastered across his face.
"Hm," he sighed. "Not sure why you're so down but I'm about to change that. Stella, I told them. I told management to go fuck themselves. Well in better words.. I want to be with you. I want to show you off to the world. I know it sounds ridiculous but I couldn't stand seeing you hurt and knowing its my fault."
I didn't know what to say. I wasn't expecting him to do this at all. I wanted to get up and scream and jump into his arms but I thought of Luke.
"So, it didn't like ruin anything?" I asked
"Stellllaa." Alex whined. "Be more excited!"
"Alex, I adore you so much but I don't want to ruin anything for you or-"
"I've got it all covered, sweetheart." He put his arm around me and kissed my forehead.
"Okay." I chose to believe him for the moment. I pulled him in to kiss him, something I really needed right now. He grabbed my face and kissed me back before pulling away.
"Theres one thing I haven't told you though." He said moving his arms so they were around my waist.
"And whats that?" Normally that phrase would scare me but it coming through a toothy smile helped.
"I love you."
"I love you too." I said causing him to perk up even more.
Alex smiled and pushed my hair behind my ear giving us a moment to gaze into each other's eyes. He was truly beautiful, I was captivated by it.
I noticed him tense up and we lost eye contact.
"What?" I turned around and noticed we had company. There was a group of 3 people holding out their cameras.
"Let's just go." He got up and took my hand, walking in the opposite direction. I could tell he was irritated but it was nice to finally be noticed.
When we returned back to the hotel Jack, Rian, and Zack were in the lobby with their suitcases.
"Guys, what's going on?" Alex ran up to them. "We're not supposed to leave till tomorrow." His face went pale and his grip on my hand loosened.
The guys looked at eachother as if deciding who was to explain.
"Tours over, Alex." Rian sighed and put the room key down on the front desk.
"What?" Alex choked up.
"You pissed of management so they decided they don't owe us shit." He turned back to us and shrugged. "You said you had it covered. What now?" Rian patted his shoulder and walked away. The other boys followed.
"I'm sorry this is all my fault." I said.
Alex wrapped his arm around my shoulder and rested his head against mine.
"It's mine. I promise." He whispered and placed a small kiss on my head. "I've got it covered, sweetheart." Although he sounded far less sure of himself this time.
I watched at the elevator door opened, the last people I wanted to see came out. Luke, Cal, Ash, and Michael. They looked defeated and avoided eye contact with either of us whilst checking out.
Alex looked at me. "Stay here." He said and walked over to them.
I avoided the situation and went to talk to Jack. "I'm sorry." I mumbled.
"Huh? No, You're fine. If anything it was Alex's choice. I've known him a big portion of my life and I've never seen him act like this. Of course I'm a little pissed but" he stopped and looked at me. "We've gotten this far. We won't quit now."
"Thank you for being so understanding." I glanced back at Alex. My brother and his friends looking a mix of angry and sad. Luke more than anything. "Thats what I'm not excited for."
"I know. You know we're always here for you. Trust me Rian and Zack have no hard feelings either." He said.
I could see Luke's face start to heat up to a pinky-red.
I went to see what was happening and Jack grabbed my hand. "Don't get involved."
"Can I go back with you guys." I pushed out a laugh.
"Oh yeah?" He smiled. "I think you'd get a kick out of Baltimore."
"Jack," I couldn't get last night off my mind. "Are we just going to ignore-"
"Shh. Yeah." He stopped me before I even had time to ask.
At that point everyone started walking toward us again anyway.
"Lets go." Luke avoided eye contact with me whilst walking out the door.
Alex ran up to me and hugged me from behind. "I'm going to miss you so bad." He tightened his grip.
"I'll miss you too." I turned around so I could hold him. "We'll see eachother soon."
"Promise?" He looked into my eyes and I could see tears gathering.
"Promise." I wiped away one that escaped and kissed him.

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