why did you do that langa?

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Langa woke up at a hospital

'Where.. where am i?'

'GOOD! Your awake.. thank god. I thought we were gonna loose you too.' - Miya

'Miya? Cherry? Joe? Shadow?' Langa coughed

'You had scars all over you. There was alot of blood langa' - Cherry

'Oh..' langa sighed. Nanako barged into the room and shouted 'WHERE IS MY SON?!'

'Oh dear.. langa thank god your okay.'

'Dont you ever do that again.! I know you cant do it. But dont do that langa. You couldve died.'

'And be with reki.'


'Well.. i just miss him. I know all of you do too.'

'Of course we do langa.' - Joe

'You took my chance from being with reki'

'Langa your still young' - Shadow

'So is reki. He suicided at the age of eighteen. Still young.'

'Langa.. you really down understand do you?. If you wouldve died. There would be no more sunshine for us. What if you did? Would it be nice to see us be miserable? Dont you know what reki wouldve felt when he saw you cut yourself? Huh?' - Miya

'I just wanna be around him. He helped me grow out of my shell. I dont care if i never come back. I wanna be with reki.'

'Just stay with us langa' - Shadow


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